The materials in the Merritt Room may be used in the Merritt Room or in the Isham Memorial Library proper, provided the materials are checked out to cleared users in Aeon and library staff invigilate. When Isham staff are present, patrons may simply be referred to them. When Isham staff are not present, one of two steps may be taken. Please note that these are the only two options available. We strive to balance providing a standardized experience for patrons with ensuring the security of materials in the Merritt Room in perpetuity.
Option 1: Politely refuse the request
In this scenario, Music Library staff say, "I'm sorry, but there are no staff available to help you at the moment. Please take Christina Linklater's card and share your research needs with her: she will contact you to arrange a time for you to visit. Alternately, Christina can send you copies via U.S. mail or email."
Option 2: Fulfill the request according to Isham standards
In this scenario, you will:
This is the more standard scenario for Isham staff. If you are unfamiliar with our practices, we are always very happy to offer training. Please note that you will require an Aeon account and training from Isham staff if you are interested in applying Option 2.
We strive to balance providing a standardized experience for patrons with ensuring the security of materials in the Merritt Room in perpetuity. If you have questions or concerns, Isham staff are glad to discuss with you. And if you'd like to learn more about our perspective on the use of Merritt Room materials, we recommend the ACRL/RBMS Guidelines Regarding Security and Theft in Special Collections. Note the first sentence of the first guideline: "Administrators of special collections must ensure that their materials remain intact and secure from theft and damage."