General Information
Instrument: 3 Axis Ultrasonic Anemometer 1590-PK-020/w with 4 14-bit analog outputs
Manual: WindMaster
Current Device Status (12/2/2021)
Analog output settings are configured to read out U, V, W, and sonic temperature at 32 Hz with an output range of 0-5 V. For U, V, W, this range has been set to correspond to -5 to +5 m/s and for temperature this range corresponds to -40 to 70 degrees C.
Analog outputs are then connected to the T7, reading out what we expect:
U - channel 1 - AIN0
V - channel 2 - AIN1
W - channel 3 - AIN2
sonic speed - channel 4 - AIN3
Output is 0-5 V
for sonic temperature, that corresponds to:
for u, v, w, setting is at 5 m/s, since we're indoors, so the scaling is linear from -5 to + 5 m/s.
Relevant output Sample Dataset taken over 10 min:
And zoomed in to ~half a second of data taking:
Relevant code for analyzing data
Code Block | ||
| ||
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Nov 30 02:11:06 2021
@author: brodi
import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
db_fi = r"sqlite:///anemometer.db"
def load_pd(db_fi: str, table: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
loads pandas df from db given table name
engine = create_engine(db_fi, echo = False)
with engine.connect() as sqlite_connection:
df = pd.read_sql(table, sqlite_connection)
return df |
Relevant pin connections (all of which are copied from the manual)
Output pins from the anemometer (p. 15 of manual):
To change the analog outputsoutput settings, connect a RS 432 serial port to a windows computer and to the anemometer outputs.
RS 432 serial port pin connections (p.32 of manual):
For the serial port connector we were using, pin 2 was white, pin 3 was yellow, pin 5 was orange, but apparently this isn't necessarily generically true.
The windows computer should have WIND software downloaded on it. Follow p. 46 of the manual.