Issues 7/15
- Tested out the new power supply. It was able to deliver constant voltage with all 8 wind sensors.
- However there's the issue that the last two sensors hooked up are outputting higher voltage than the 0-3.3 V range that is expected. around 4 or 5V.
- When the current was higher these two sensors were getting much more hot than they probably should have been, at least much hotter than the other sensors.
- I checked the connections and tried changing the sensors that were plugged in but that didn't seem to change anything.
Issues Encountered
- When all 8 sensors are plugged into the Lab Jack, the sensors output very small voltages. The voltmeter reads out a cycling voltage. It seems to be a problem with the power source.
- With the outlet by in the office it seems it can only deliver constant voltage to 1 sensor. More makes it cycle
- With an outlet by the lab bench, it can deliver constant voltage to 5 sensors. The 6th makes it cycle