Because the number of seed points can be quite large before we achieve convergence in R_{grid}, we divide the sky into a certain number of slices on the sky. Experimentation shows that ~180 slices is a good number. Therefore, we have suggested that for each of the five values of R_{bin}, we want to run ~ 10 X 180 = 1800 chains to find the value of convergence value of R_{grid} (that's the 10 in that product), and then an additional 100 X 180 = 18000 (and ideally 1000 x 180 = 180000) chains for the random bootstraps. That is a lot of chains. Keeping track of those takes some accounting. That's what the Google sheets are for.
Because the number of seed points can be quite large before we achieve convergence in R_{grid}, we divide the sky into a certain number of slices on the sky. Experimentation shows that ~180 slices is a good number. Therefore, for each of the five values of R_{bin}, we want to run ~ 10 X 180 = 1800 chains to find the value of convergence value of R_{grid} (that's the 10 in that product), and then an additional 100 X 180 = 18000 (and ideally 1000 x 180 = 180000) chains for the random bootstraps. That is a lot of chains. Keeping track of those takes some accounting. That's what the Google sheets are for.