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The LSST is a the nation's top priority next-gen ground-based astronomy project, with the objective of 
conducting observations of the entire accessible sky, with about 800 visits per field. The scheduler for the project
will determine the order in which these fields are observed, with the goal of maximizing some scientific merit function. 
A portion of that merit function has to do with Fourier coverage in the time domain. 
The variability in sky conditions (cloud cover, sky brightness and atmospheric seeing) makes the scheduling 
problem non-trivial. It's a traveling salesman problem with a stochastic component, subject to certain constraints. 
Our goals are to 
1. devise a sensible quantitative framework that would accommodate various merit functions. 
2. assess whether an instantaneous (nightly) sequence of observations optimization will achieve a global optimum, 
3. build some numerical tools to make a toy model and try out some implementation schemes.

Oct 18 2013, C. Stubbs

Observations obtained at angles z from zenith suffer from two effects: 

1) additional optical attenuation due to increased atmospheric path length

2) degraded "seeing". 

bandcentral wavelengthextinction (mag per airmass)seeing degradation compared to r band at zenith 
u350 nm0.40*a(1.1)*a0.6 
g450 nm0.18*a(1.07)*a0.6 
r650 nm0.10*a(1.0)*a0.6 
i750 nm0.08*a(0.97)*a0.6 
z850 nm0.05*a(0.94)*a0.6 
y1000 nm0.04*a(0.91)*a0.6 



plot of seeing degradation vs. airmass, and polynomial fit:

Image Added

Decent approximation to seeing degradation vs. airmass a is


Some references

LSST science book
