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We'll parameterize this with an exponent alpha and define the Shape Measurement Merit as



For F filters there is a time penalty associated with changing filters. This can be represented by a symmetrical F x F matrix, but it's probably fine to just use a scalar t_filter.  

Scientific Weighting Factors

Not all science goals are equal. We should assign pre-factors to the photometric and weak lensing merit functions, and any others that might be useful, such that the sum of all weights is 1.



Oct 18 2013, C. Stubbs

Observations obtained at angles z from zenith suffer from two effects: 


  1. determine the rank-ordered priority of all fields on the meridian, in each passband, for different potential values of seeing. 
  2. reject the fields that never appear in the top 1000. These have such low priority we'd never get to them. 
  3. For each parametric value of seeing, compute the sequence of observations that maximizes the merit function, including the slew overhead contribution. 

A merit function function we'd seek to maximize therefore might look something like this:

MF=(sequence efficiency) * sum_fields {temporal merit} {(Point source weight)*PSPMF+(1-Point source weight)*WLMF}{Field and filter priority}

subject to these constraints:

  • sum of time used = total time available
  • ...

Some references

LSST science book
