software setup:
cron entry time format is
<minute> <hour> <month-day> <month> <week-day> <command to execute>
so we want
1 22 * * * /usr/local/bin/
I suppose we could just go ahead and use crontab to initiate each night's data collection at the desired time, within a range of dates. Say we break things up into two week intervals. For example we could do
1 22 1-15 01 * <tasks for first half of Jan>
30 22 16-31 01 * <tasks for second half of Jan>
So let's make the table of startup times, in the format crontab wants. Make a list of
minute hour dayrange month
15 00 01-15 01
10 00 16-31 01
00 00 01-15 12
15 00 16-31 12
gphoto2 commands
shutter speed:
server:~ christopherstubbs$ gphoto2 --get-config=/main/capturesettings/shutterspeed
Jan 12 2014, at Pachon.
Have powered up mac mini within the Illinois aeronomy building. Set networking for hardwired ethernet to
submet mask
we can also use IP address if need be.
local access is ssh christopherstubbs@, cat4apple
Chris,Please set up your computer using the following parameters:Router, you need additional IP number, can also be used.In terms of remote access to ALO computers, you also need to obtain information about firewall access from Ron Lambert, who is in the process of reconfiguring the firewall at ALO.Let me know if you have any questions,Alan--
Alan Liu, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Physical Sciences, Daytona Beach
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
here are the scripts that run, as of Jan 12: (takes NN frames as command line argument)
server:~ christopherstubbs$ cat
# modified Dec 12 2013 to allow N frames set from command line, overwrites what was set in
export maxframes=$1
echo first arguent is $1
source ~/
echo maxframes is $1
while [ $framecounter -lt $maxframes ]; do
echo sleeping for $pauseinterval
sleep $pauseinterval
gphoto2 --set-config=/main/capturesettings/shutterspeed=1
# this next trick pads out the framecounter to 4 digits for decent file names
export paddedcounter=`printf "%04i\n" $framecounter`
gphoto2 --capture-image-and-download --filename $dirpath/$dirname/$dirname.$paddedcounter.short.cr2
let framecounter=framecounter+1
export paddedcounter=`printf "%04i\n" $framecounter`
gphoto2 --set-config=/main/capturesettings/shutterspeed=10
export paddedcounter=`printf "%04i\n" $framecounter`
gphoto2 --capture-image-and-download --filename $dirpath/$dirname/$dirname.$paddedcounter.long.cr2
let framecounter=framecounter+1
# at this stage, we're done collecting images for the night. Wrap things up...
ls $dirpath/$dirname/*.cr2 | wc | awk '{print $1," images collected"}' >> $dirpath/$dirname/$dirname.log
# now do image conversion to fits, and run some initial analysis.
echo making fits files at `date`
source ~/
echo extracting sky values at `date`
source ~/
echo doing photometry at `date`
source ~/
# copy result files to Amazon Web Services machine
echo copying files to aws at `date`
scp -i ~/aws/aws1.pem.txt -r $dirpath/$dirname/$dirname.* ec2-user@
echo compressing images at `date`
cd $dirpath/$dirname
gzip B/*.fits
gzip G/*.fits
gzip R/*.fits
gzip M/*.fits
gzip CR2/*.cr2
echo moving the log file to appropriate directory at `date`
mv ~/cronlog $dirpath/$dirname/$dirname.cronlog
server:~ christopherstubbs$ cat
# try to fix up user issues for crontab
source /Users/christopherstubbs/.bash_profile
# set up directory names and data paths
export datadisk=/dev/disk1s2
export dirpath=/Users/christopherstubbs/data
export dirname=`date +"ut%m%d%y"`
export thismonth=`date +"%m"`
# create tonight's directory
mkdir $dirpath/$dirname
cd $dirpath/$dirname
date | awk '{print "started at "$0 }'>> $dirname.log
df -H | grep $datadisk | sed s/G//g | awk '{print $4," GB left on data disk"}' >> $dirname.log
export spaceleft=`df -H | grep $datadisk | sed s/G//g | awk '{print $4}'`
# fix this later
#if ($spaceleft>20); then
# mail -s "allsky camera lots space!"
# wipe out any existing connections to camera
killall PTPCamera
# set up environment variables for camera
export framecounter=0001
export xctr=2875
export yctr=1920
# prefix for images, gets framecounter.cr2 appended
export imageprefix=$dirname.
# interval after end of last image before starting next one, in seconds
export pauseinterval=50
# configure aspects of camera that won't change
# synch camera datetime to ntp-served acquisition computer value, in UT
gphoto2 --set-config syncdatetime=1
gphoto2 --set-config iso=1600
gphoto2 --set-config aperture=2.8
cd ~
server:~ christopherstubbs$ cat
# performs quick photometry on each image, using tphot
cd $dirpath/$dirname/M
rm *.phot
rm *.nstars
for i in *.M.fits; do tphot $i -out `basename $i .fits`.phot; done
# how many stars in each image?
for i in *.M.phot; do wc $i | awk '{print ($1-1)}' >> $dirname.nstars ; done
mv $dirname.nstars ..
cd $dirpath/$dirname/B
rm *.phot
for i in *.B.fits; do tphot $i -out `basename $i .fits`.phot; done
cd $dirpath/$dirname/G
rm *.phot
for i in *.G.fits; do tphot $i -out `basename $i .fits`.phot; done
cd $dirpath/$dirname/R
rm *.phot
for i in *.R.fits; do tphot $i -out `basename $i .fits`.phot; done
cd ..
rm temp
# add extra line to nstars file to accommodate header line coming up
echo " " > temp2
cat $dirname.nstars >> temp2
mv temp2 $dirname.nstars
rm temp2
# add another column to the obslog file
paste $dirname.obslog $dirname.nstars >> temp
mv temp $dirname.obslog
# separate out long and short exposures
echo "#image BIAS EXPTIME MJD-OBS M B G R nstars" > $dirname.short.obslog
grep short $dirname.obslog >> $dirname.short.obslog
echo "#image BIAS EXPTIME MJD-OBS M B G R nstars" > $dirname.long.obslog
grep long $dirname.obslog >> $dirname.long.obslog
server:~ christopherstubbs$ cat
# for a rough measure of sky brightness, extract mean for a region near the center of sensor, in each band. Uses header to subtract bias scalar
cd $dirpath/$dirname/M
rm *.sky.*.dat
rm *.bias.*.dat
rm *debias*.dat
for i in *.M.fits; do getpix $i 800-1200 800-1200 -m | grep Mean | awk '{print $2}' >> $ ; done
gethead *.fits BIAS EXPTIME MJD-OBS > $dirname.M.obslog
paste $dirname.M.obslog $ >> temp
awk '{print ($5-$2)/$3}' temp >> $dirname.skydebiased.M.dat
# put sky rate ADU/sec/pix into obslog file
paste $dirname.M.obslog $dirname.skydebiased.M.dat >> temp2
mv temp2 $dirname.M.obslog
rm temp2
rm temp
cd $dirpath/$dirname/B
rm *.sky.*.dat
rm *.bias.*.dat
rm *debias*.dat
for i in *.B.fits; do getpix $i 800-1200 800-1200 -m | grep Mean | awk '{print $2}' >> $ ; done
gethead *.fits BIAS EXPTIME MJD-OBS > $dirname.B.obslog
paste $dirname.B.obslog $ >> temp
awk '{print ($5-$2)/$3}' temp >> $dirname.skydebiased.B.dat
# put sky rate ADU/sec/pix into obslog file
paste $dirname.B.obslog $dirname.skydebiased.B.dat >> temp2
mv temp2 $dirname.B.obslog
rm temp2
rm temp
cd $dirpath/$dirname/G
rm *.sky.*.dat
rm *.bias.*.dat
rm *debias*.dat
for i in *.G.fits; do getpix $i 800-1200 800-1200 -m | grep Mean | awk '{print $2}' >> $ ; done
gethead *.fits BIAS EXPTIME MJD-OBS > $dirname.G.obslog
paste $dirname.G.obslog $ >> temp
awk '{print ($5-$2)/$3}' temp >> $dirname.skydebiased.G.dat
# put sky rate ADU/sec/pix into obslog file
paste $dirname.G.obslog $dirname.skydebiased.G.dat >> temp2
mv temp2 $dirname.G.obslog
rm temp2
rm temp
cd $dirpath/$dirname/R
rm *.sky.*.dat
rm *.bias.*.dat
rm *debias*.dat
for i in *.R.fits; do getpix $i 800-1200 800-1200 -m | grep Mean | awk '{print $2}' >> $ ; done
gethead *.fits BIAS EXPTIME MJD-OBS > $dirname.R.obslog
paste $dirname.R.obslog $ >> temp
awk '{print ($5-$2)/$3}' temp >> $dirname.skydebiased.R.dat
# put sky rate ADU/sec/pix into obslog file
paste $dirname.R.obslog $dirname.skydebiased.R.dat >> temp2
mv temp2 $dirname.R.obslog
rm temp2
rm temp
cd $dirpath/$dirname/R
ls *.R.fits > listing
mv listing ..
cd ..
echo "#image BIAS EXPTIME MJD-OBS M B G R nstars " > $dirname.obslog
paste M/$dirname.M.obslog B/*.skydebiased.B.dat G/*.skydebiased.G.dat R/*.skydebiased.R.dat >> $dirname.obslog
Here is sensitivity curve for Canon 5D color bands:
FOV of 15mm Sigma fisheye lens is as follows:
in long direction: 147.5 degrees, or 73 degrees off zenith
in short direction: 94.3 degrees, or 47 degrees off zenith
corner-to-corner: 184 degrees, or horizon to horizon.
We're currently oriented with EW in long direction, and NS in short direction. So we don't quite get to celestial pole in the S but we do get to the equator in the N
Last night we were successful in getting the system focused, and took a directory full of data. But it was started after midnight and so the directory name and files names are both wrong. It should be listed as ut011214 but instead all are listed as ut011314. So need to fix this. Will likely just rename directory.
April 12 2014
Optimizing SE parameters for monochrome Canon images, with MC.
we have 4 test images, will try to find good settings for all 4.
Working first on image ut030114.0170. First crack has PSF FWHM ranging from ~1 at center to ~2.2 at edge of frame. Chose Gaussian 2 pix FWHM kernel for convolution.
with this file, we got 3165 lines in
# Default configuration file for SExtractor 2.3b2
# EB 2003-02-07
#-------------------------------- Catalog ------------------------------------
CATALOG_NAME # name of the output catalog
# or "FITS_LDAC"
PARAMETERS_NAME allsky.param # name of the file containing catalog contents
#------------------------------- Extraction ----------------------------------
FLAG_IMAGE FLAG.FITS # filename for an input FLAG-image
DETECT_MINAREA 2 # minimum number of pixels above threshold
DETECT_THRESH 2.5 # <sigmas> or <threshold>,<ZP> in mag.arcsec-2
ANALYSIS_THRESH 2.5 # <sigmas> or <threshold>,<ZP> in mag.arcsec-2
FILTER Y # apply filter for detection ("Y" or "N")?
FILTER_NAME allsky.conv # name of the file containing the filter
DEBLEND_NTHRESH 2 # Number of deblending sub-thresholds
DEBLEND_MINCONT 0.05 # Minimum contrast parameter for deblending
CLEAN Y # Clean spurious detections? (Y or N)?
CLEAN_PARAM 1.0 # Cleaning efficiency
MASK_TYPE CORRECT # type of detection MASKing: can be one of
#------------------------------ Photometry -----------------------------------
PHOT_APERTURES 2,4,6,8 # MAG_APER aperture diameter(s) in pixels
PHOT_AUTOPARAMS 2.5, 3.5 # MAG_AUTO parameters: <Kron_fact>,<min_radius>
SATUR_LEVEL 15000.0 # level (in ADUs) at which arises saturation
MAG_ZEROPOINT 10.0 # magnitude zero-point
MAG_GAMMA 4.0 # gamma of emulsion (for photographic scans)
GAIN 1.0 # detector gain in e-/ADU
PIXEL_SCALE 1.0 # size of pixel in arcsec (0=use FITS WCS info)
#------------------------- Star/Galaxy Separation ----------------------------
SEEING_FWHM 2 # stellar FWHM in arcsec
STARNNW_NAME default.nnw # Neural-Network_Weight table filename
#------------------------------ Background -----------------------------------
BACK_SIZE 60 # Background mesh: <size> or <width>,<height>
BACK_FILTERSIZE 10 # Background filter: <size> or <width>,<height>
#------------------------------ Check Image ----------------------------------
CHECKIMAGE_NAME check.fits # Filename for the check-image
#--------------------- Memory (change with caution!) -------------------------
MEMORY_OBJSTACK 2000 # number of objects in stack
MEMORY_PIXSTACK 200000 # number of pixels in stack
MEMORY_BUFSIZE 2048 # number of lines in buffer
#----------------------------- Miscellaneous ---------------------------------
But we're missing many faint stars. Try reducing required pixels above threshold. Dropping from 2 to 1. Also made images with bias level of 2048 subtracted.
Really weird- SE is missing most faint objects. Reducing threshold to 0.1 sigma didn't help, nor did playing with sky estimation parameters. Looking at output file, seems we are way overestimating the noise in photometry, so just not getting over threshold. So... let's try broadening the PSF with a convolution before sending image to SE.
Ahah! the issue seems to be that image files need to be converted to reals before passing to SE. Then we get fairly rational behavior.
Since the big deal seems to be converting images to reals, made two Chile test images that are reals, by multiplying by 1.001. Load those frames into our test suite.