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Talk 11

Talk 12 
weekDatesMonday topicsWednesday seminar topicassignment for following MondayResources
1Sept 1NA - no class on Monday

org meeting, course goals, assessment


subfields of physics

theory & experiment

the research frontier

none, that Monday is a holiday. But assignment for subsequent Monday is to make single-page outlines of pros and cons regarding applicability of physics to the life sciences, which we will discuss

2Sept 7, 9

Labor day holiday on Monday, no class

Scientific Presentations- good, bad and ugly


Stubbs - bad talk examples, slide by slide


Feedback form
3Sept 12, 14

Discussion of outlines- make a single-page outline with pro and con side of some topic. We chose applicability of physics methods to the life sciences. Discussion about outlines and their importance.


Capitol Hill - spy satellites. Send PDF to Stubbs no later than midnight Sunday 
4Sept 19, 21

Making an overhead for a presentation- single-slide exercise on spy satellites, go over their slides

  • Who is the audience?
  • What's the main message?
  • What will make the case the most persuasively? Graphics? Plots? Bulleted list?
  • Does the overhead make sense as a "stand-alone" ?
  • Font sizes and readability- on laptop, as handout, or on projector?

Students present their versions of today's exercise- Can a spy satellite read a document from outer space?

Talk 3


Talk 4

Tufte article

Basics of powerpoint for scientists

Pick topics by Wednesday Sept 2328

pick a topic for both an oral presentation and abstract for a meeting (15 minutes) and proposal to a foundation to fund further study.

Group A assignment for Monday- pick topics for presentation and discussion

Assignment for groups B, C: prepare an abstract (250 word max) appropriate for a professional meeting, that will attract an audience to your talk and that coveys the key message you hope to convey.

5Sept 26, 28

Student Scientific talks, 1the good, 2 and 3 (group A)

Groups B and C turn in meeting abstract



the bad and the ugly. Class discussion about


Jamous youtube.

Group A assignment for Monday- presentation and discussion

Assignment for group B: prepare an abstract (250 word max) appropriate for a professional meeting, that will attract an audience to your talk and that coveys the key message you hope to convey.

6Oct 3,5

Student talks 4, 5 and 6 (group B)

group A turns in meeting abstract

groups C turns in proposal narrative


Written technical communications

  • powerpoint is not a documentation tool
  • Tex vs Word and equation editor
  • written technical communication:
    • research papers
    • Nature and Science papers for broad audiences
    • public articles

Stubbs gone

group A gives 15 minute presentations

group B turns in abstract


Group A assignment is to prepare abstracts

Group B assignment is to prepare presentations

7Oct 10, 12Columbus day holiday

Talk 9

Talk 10on Monday, no class


8Oct 17, 19

Student talks 7, 8 and 9. (group C)

groups A,B turn in proposal narrative

Stubbs gone

group B gives 15 minute presentations

group A turn in abstracts


9Oct 24, 26

 Stubbs gone

Student talk 6

Writing proposals

Paper outline deadline, hand out for peer review plus CWS

Talk 13 

Talk 14

10Oct 31, Nov 2


Student talk 7

Writing applications for grad school, etc

Revised outline deadline

How to write a technical paper

  • title
  • authors (policy aspects)
  • abstract
  • intro
  • content, figures and tables
  • conclusions
  • acknowledgments
  • citations

open journals vs. for-profit

subfield ideosyncracies

Tex and Latex templates

bibtex for citations

Talk 15 

Talk 16

11Nov 7, 9


Student talk 8

Paper first drafts due, peer and CWS review

Writing technical reports

How to make Figures and write captions

How to make Tables and write captions

Version control

Talk 17

Talk 18

12Nov 14, 16

Student talk 9

First draft feedback session

Literature searches and tools

How to make a bibliography, easily

Talk 19

Talk 20

13Nov 21, 23

 Stubbs gone

Student talk 10

Scientific posters as a communication tool

Second draft papers due


Thanksgiving break  
14Nov 28, 30


How to attend a scientific or technical meeting


Last class, celebration!

Talk 21

Talk 22

15reading period

Final posters due Wed Dec 9

Poster session/celebration

