- Here is a plot of the residual vs redshift (no sky directional information considered). The top panel shows all individual Sn. The bottom panel shows the average residual in twenty bins of even redshift size.
- Here is a plot for the mu residuals vs extinction (as measured with Finkbeiner et al: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1507.01005.pdf). Again, top panel shows individual Sn from JUST the Pan Stars 1 Survey. The bottom panel shows those SN over twenty bins of even E(B-V) size (the reddening characteristic described by the dust map). We could analyze for other observations as well.
- Here is a plot for the mu residuals and the extinction (as measured with Finkbeiner et al: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1507.01005.pdf) on the sky.
- Each of the 10 PanStars1 fields are displayed twice:
- the top frame is the extinction (E(B-V))
- the bottom is the PS1 SN,
- Each point represents a single SN
- The points themselves are color-coded by normalized mu residual (ie, [mu residual] / [mu uncertainty])
- The right colorbar is for the extinction contour plots
- All extinction contour plots are on the same logarithmic scale
- The left colorbar is for the SN scatter plots
- All SN are on the same linear scale
- I am not completely happy with this plot, but I am not sure what the best way to improve it is
- Each of the 10 PanStars1 fields are displayed twice:
CWS notes June 26 2017-
- Perhaps make a fit of residuals vs. extinction for PanSTARRS data? By eye it looks like there is a statistically significant non-zero coherent residual at low extinction values.
- A different binning scheme might be equal number of SNe per bin?
- Another interesting plot would be contour surface of residual vs extinction and redshift, both.