draft syllabus Gen Ed Spring 2024
higher-level institutional engagement team:
Bridgit Long, HSGE, bridget_long@gse.harvard.edu
Rakesh Khurana, Harvard College rkhurana@fas.harvard.edu
Bharat Anand, VPAL banand@hbs.edu
Rebecca Neeson, SEAS nesson@g.harvard.edu
Stu Feldman, Schmidt Futures sif@schmidtfutures.com
fall term RA:
You have been approved for up to $2,400 in funds, which will cover the work of an RA for up to 10 hours per week at $30 per hour for 8 weeks of work to take place by no later than December 31, 2023. Please share their name and email address with the Course Coordinators at genedcourses@fas.harvard.edu as soon as possible so they can set up the appointment before your RA begins work.
Spring 2024 week | Lecture topics | Discussion section | Assignments (HW) and Readings ( R) Readings to be done before Tues of each respective week. HW due on Friday afternoons. |
Jan 22 | Tues: Course intro and GAI capability demo. Types of AI and natural language processing in a broader context. Training sets and the introduction of bias. Articulation of the perils. Example - summarizing uploaded questions from the class, as a basis for large-lecture discussion. Active learning session that invokes Chat-GPT4 Thurs: active learning session on critical examination of GPT output, initial assessment of validity. Evolving authorship and professional ethics. | Establishing an account, introduction to course framework and collaborative tools. Initial in-section active learning exercise. Make predictions and then compare to what it does. Play around in sandbox with guided iterative prompts. | reading- WolframGPTdraft syllabus Gen Ed Spring 2024 R: Age of AI chap 1 and chap 2 (54 pgs) HW: Performance comparison of GPT3.5 to GPT4.0 |
Jan 29 | Tues: Training, performance evolution, and projection into the future. Kick-off of a nano-GPT module with a limited training set. | R: Age of AI chap 3 (~40 pages) NYT article on training methods. HW: Experiments and evaluations on explicit and implicit bias in NLP results. Midway interrogation of nano-GPT system | |
Feb 5 | Tues: Introduction to simple quantitative data analysis- lab results. Thurs: dealing with ill-structured data. | Analysis and extraction of summary statistics- median, mean, sigma | R: TBD HW exercise on data interpretation Final analysis of our GAI-trained model. |
Feb 12 | Tues: Extraction of information from a stack of reference papers Thurs: Extraction of information from qualitative survey data | Initial look at truth-assessment methods. | R: TBD HW:Comparing human and AI-generated text material |
Feb 19 | Tues: Application to creative writing and assessing AI generated text Thurs: Analyzing historical texts and data | GAI-assisted writing exercise, in section. | R: TBD HW: assessing the validity of AI-generated summaries. |
Feb 26 | Tues: in-class written assessment, blue books. Thurs: GAI and Harvard College- challenges and opportunities for enhancing student learning. | Roundtable discussion of academic integrity and AI tools. | R: TBD HW; paper 1 on predictions of impact on a sector of human society and suggestions on how to contend with it. |
Mar 4 | Tues: Philosophical and ethical aspects of AI in general and GAI in particular. Thurs: The Turing test, intellectual property, and the rights of AI systems. | Debate in section about good vs. evil aspect of AI. | R: Age of Ai chap 6 HW: short paper on ethical aspects |
Mar 11 | Spring break | Spring break | none |
Mar 18 Papers returned to students Monday Mar 18 | Tues: GAI-assisted language learning and translation Thurs: GAI-assisted generation and debugging of computer code | Break each section into 2 groups, based on interest. Exercises on | R: TBD HW: project proposals, online grouping into teams |
Mar 25 | Tues: AI and the nature of work. How might things be different, and how can you best prepare? Thurs: guest lecture- GAI and the law | Discussion of project selections, ruberic | R: Age of Ai chap 4 and 7. HW: work on revision of paper 1 |
Apr 1 | Tues: guest lecture- GAI and medicine Thurs: GAI and higher education | R: readings on professional impacts HW: revisions of paper 1 due | |
Apr 8 | Tues: guest lecture- GAI and democracy Thurs: AImisuse and intentional abuse. Implications for regulation, national security, warfare. | Final project work and assistance | R: Danielle Allen writings on democracy. Also some pessimistic narratives TBD. HW: Project outline submitted |
Apr 15 | Tues: Guarding against GAI hallucination and falsehoods: tools and methods Thurs: | Final project work and assistance | R: Trustworthy AI references TBD HW: |
Apr 22 | Partial week, classes end. Final projects due Monday April 22 Tues: guest lecture from US gov’t on regulatory aspects. | NA | Final projects due, GAI poster session/fair, and live demos. |
Final exam | In-person, blue books. |