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higher-level institutional engagement team:
Bridgit Long, HSGE, 
Rakesh Khurana, Harvard College 
Bharat Anand, VPAL 
Rebecca Neeson, SEAS 
Stu Feldman, Schmidt Futures 


Chris Stubbs
Logan McCarty
Greg Kestin
Eske Pedersen

guidance for faculty: 


fall term RA: 
You have been approved for up to $2,400 in funds, which will cover the work of an RA for up to 10 hours per week at $30 per hour for 8 weeks of work to take place by no later than December 31, 2023. Please share their name and email address with the Course Coordinators at as soon as possible so they can set up the appointment before your RA begins work.   


Spring 2024 week

Lecture topics

Discussion section

Assignments (HW) and Readings ( R) 

Readings to be done before Tues of each respective week. HW due on Friday afternoons.

Jan 22

Tues: Course intro and GAI capability demo. 

Types of AI and natural language processing in a broader context. 

Training sets and the introduction of bias. 

Articulation of the perils. 

Example - summarizing uploaded questions from the class, as a basis for large-lecture discussion. Active learning session that invokes Chat-GPT4 

Thurs: active learning session on critical examination of GPT output, initial assessment of validity. 

Evolving authorship and professional ethics. 

Establishing an account, introduction to course framework and collaborative tools. 

Initial in-section active learning exercise. Make predictions and then compare to what it does. 

Play around in sandbox with guided iterative prompts. 

reading- WolframGPTdraft syllabus Gen Ed Spring 2024

R: Age of AI chap 1 and chap 2 (54 pgs)

HW: Performance comparison of GPT3.5 to GPT4.0

Jan 29

Tues: Training, performance evolution, and projection into the future. Kick-off of a nano-GPT module with a limited training set.

Thurs: Identifying biases, inaccuracies, and exploring limitations 

R: Age of AI chap 3 (~40 pages) 

NYT article on training methods. 

HW: Experiments and evaluations on explicit and implicit bias in NLP results. 

Midway interrogation of nano-GPT system 

Feb 5

Tues: Introduction to simple quantitative data analysis- lab results. 

Thurs: dealing with ill-structured data. 

Analysis and extraction of summary statistics- median, mean, sigma


HW exercise on data interpretation

Final analysis of our GAI-trained model. 

Feb 12 

Tues: Extraction of information from a stack of reference papers

Thurs: Extraction of information from qualitative survey data

Initial look at truth-assessment methods. 


HW:Comparing human and AI-generated text material

Feb 19

Tues: Application to creative writing and assessing AI generated text

Thurs: Analyzing historical texts and data

GAI-assisted writing exercise, in section.


HW: assessing the validity of AI-generated summaries. 

Feb 26
Midpoint assessment of both students and of the course

Tues: in-class written assessment, blue books. 

Thurs: GAI and Harvard College- challenges and opportunities for enhancing student learning. 

Roundtable discussion of academic integrity and AI tools. 


HW; paper 1 on predictions of impact on a sector of human society and suggestions on how to contend with it. 

Mar 4

Tues: Philosophical and ethical aspects of AI in general and GAI in particular.

Thurs: The Turing test, intellectual property, and the rights of AI systems. 

Debate in section about good vs. evil aspect of AI. 

R: Age of Ai chap 6

HW: short paper on ethical aspects 

Mar 11

Spring break

Spring break


Mar 18

Papers returned to students Monday Mar 18

Tues: GAI-assisted language learning and translation

Thurs: GAI-assisted generation and debugging of computer code

Break each section into 2 groups, based on interest. Exercises on


HW: project proposals, online grouping into teams

Mar 25

Tues: AI and the nature of work. How might things be different, and how can you best prepare? 

Thurs: guest lecture- GAI and the law

Discussion of project selections, ruberic

R: Age of Ai chap 4 and 7. 

HW: work on revision of paper 1

Apr 1

Tues: guest lecture- GAI and medicine

Thurs: GAI and higher education

R: readings on professional impacts

HW: revisions of paper 1 due

Apr 8

Tues: guest lecture- GAI and democracy 

Thurs: AImisuse and intentional abuse. Implications for regulation, national security, warfare. 

Final project work and assistance

R: Danielle Allen writings on democracy. Also some pessimistic narratives TBD. 

HW: Project outline submitted

Apr 15

Tues: Guarding against GAI hallucination and falsehoods: tools and methods


Final project work and assistance

R: Trustworthy AI references TBD


Apr 22

Partial week, classes end. 

Final projects due Monday April 22

Tues: guest lecture from US gov’t on regulatory aspects. 


Final projects due, GAI poster session/fair, and live demos. 

Final exam

In-person, blue books. 

Potential Readings

Title & AuthorLinkNotes
Wolfram, What is GPT Doing? WhatIsChatGPTWolfram.pdfgood accessible overview on neural nets and generative AI under the hood.  Also avail in book form but illustrations there are B&W.

Films to consider: 
