- The plexiglass changes the location of the focus enough that you have to try to refocus, but it is very hard to tell when you are in focus. Here is a video of going through focus (note that it is a normal donut without the plexiglass: IMG_1618.MOV
- There is clearly less differential motion when the plexiglass is close to the camera (IMG_1619.MOV) compared to when it is far away (IMG_1620.MOV). Currently, the images are saturated, though.
- Here's another video with lower light level. Perhaps with enough smoothing this could work. IMG_1621.MOV
December 4-7 2023 DIMSUM upgrade.
We are going to make three system changes:
- change from mirror lens to Canon 100-400 mm lens. manual here: ef100-400f45-56lisiiusm-im-e.pdf
- extend spatial extent of fiber array to get a wider field.
- swap out batteries with replacement DC power supplies, Lenink Adjustable adapter from Amazon.com. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0CBP6KBDX/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1