Diagram of initial board drawing:
- Begin thinking about lock-in design
- We want to deconstruct the signal received at the return photodiode with respect to the signal at the reference photodiode
- Review lock-in notes
- Background material/reading
- Look at some Hubble diagrams, supernova classification
- Figure out how to LaTeX in Wiki/set up package to do so!
- GPT said use LaTeX syntax enclosed in '<math>' tags to TeX
- Looking through more wiki documentation it seems Confluence is in this workspace
- GPT says: Confluence, a popular wiki software, supports LaTeX through the MathJax plugin. You can enable MathJax in Confluence to render LaTeX equations.
- Come up with a project name acronym (MOAT = Monitor of Atmospheric Transmission currently)
- word possbilities: retroreflector, aerosol, detector, multicolor, automated, lockin, collimated, etc.
<math>$ \frac{1}{2}$<math>