October 24, 2023
- Worked with Johnny, who repointed and refocused DIMSUM. The PSFs aren't great, but Johnny confirmed none of them are donuts. They're workable. I set it up to take two bursts every 10 minutes 500 times.
- Gave Larom the IDF EFD hexapod data. She'll get to it sooner than Guillem. She'll model the hexapod X, Y, and Z position as a function of elevation and temperature, compare her results to Chris's results, and seeing if there's a significant difference in the modeling before and after Feb. 2023 (CWFS to WEP), and look at the rms of the model fit.
- Got parts back from the machine shop. They work! We can now solder the photodiode.
- Booked lodging for the trip to Tucson.
- Made an assembly diagram for the CBP calibration system, sent it to Parker, and added it to the confluence page
- Mounted the masks (see confluence page)
- Focused the CBP and then took uniformity tests (see https://confluence.lsstcorp.org/display/LTS/CBP+Tests+November+-+December+2023)