Note, see Rubin trip Nov 2022, Stubbs for log for day 1, Dec. 2, 2022.
It can now connect to the RubinObs-LHN wifi and it's possible to ssh into the computer.
Also, got Ali access to the summit guest wifi. Specifically, we had to fill out the onboarding form (from Diego):
This is the Summit Onboarding Procedure. Here you will find instructions to access various services in Rubin, including WIFI:
The onboarding form can be found here:
Worked on the photodiode readout setup so we can get a sense of how dark the dome is during the day. The CSC isn't configured to be able to produce a voltage yet, so we wired up the photodiode with the one Triax cable we had (a test one that has three banana clips) and clamped two of them (green and black) to banana clips going to the anode of the photodiode and the red one to the cathode, and taped them with electrical tape. This is a pretty janky setup. So I gave Kevin Reil the part numbers to order good Triax BNC adapters (Keithley 7078-TRX-BNC) and we will just use a BNC to connect the photodiode to those adapters when they arrive.
But with this setup and the CSC I read out continuously starting at 5:26pm until ~9:00pm in 30s intervals.
I had to set the range to 2 mA because it was bright at the beginning. But here are the last plots (plotted every 6 minutes) before we had to close the shades at 8:51 pm because the sun had set.
After closing the shades the photodiode just read 0. When I changed the range to 2 uA, I got the following:
The notebook used for these measurements is called electrometer_for_ChrisW.ipynb
A few notes on the CSC:
- It's not writing enough digits to the LFA
- There are a lot of bugs in this CSC. It frequently has to be restarted or the Keithley has to be sent to standby and enabled multiple times
- Not all the commands that are supposed to work work.
Now we just need to compare to the EFD!More details to follow on night observations.
Observations the night of Dec. 15
Did two types of observations. Took SHWFS data, particularly hfr videos, and also focus tests (which will probably be useless).
Details here: observations_121522.xlsx
Dec 16
Anemometer back up and running (was taken down or observations last night because I needed the Mac mini):
Packed everything and took a video of our full inventory. For some reason I can't upload it to my computer right now, but here is a photo of our four boxes of equipment, and all our stuff unpacked through the AuxTel grating.