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Table of Contents


Please note that workspaces auto-stop after 1 hour being disconnected. This means when you re-connect to your workspace, you will see that it is resuming, and you will have to wait a minute or less for the workspace to resume. You will automatically be connected to your workspace when it is ready.



Fig. 3: Workspace resuming message after successful logon


Once connected to your workspace, use it as you would any other computer. Solidworks and Comsol shortcuts are in the desktop and also in the start menu.  No setup is required.  


Connection Difficulties (please read before you contact us)

A. Problem: You did not receive an invitation email from Amazon

     Solution: It may be in your spam folder. If you are using, for example gmail (including, check your spam folder.


 Once you locate the email in your spam folder,
                    then click the 'NT SPAM' button on top of the email. This 
 sends the email to your inbox and activates any links.

 B. Problem: Invitation link does not work

     Solution:  The link expires when you clicked on it earlier and set up your password.  If you have done that and remember your password, you should be


                      able to download the client (unless you have already done that) and login. If you have not downloaded the client:

                     - download and install at


                    - enter the registration and user name from the email with the expired link.

                    - enter the password (if you do not remember the password, see below)

C. Problem: I don't remember my password


      - click 'forgot my password' on the workspaces client 

          -  enter your user name and captcha, and you will receive an email with a 'reset password' link
          - the email may go to your SPAM folder.  gmail makes it go to spam.
          - If in spam folder, click on the email and click the 'not spam' button on top of the email
         - now the email will be in your inbox, and the link will now be active.
         - after clicking on the reset password link, you will be able to change your password.

Help on VDI

Please send an email to for any issues you experience with Workspaces. Use "SEAS VDI difficulties" in your subject line. Please do not send COMSOL and SOLIDWORKS related questions to this address.