When: February 4, 2019 (5 - 7 PM)
Where: PierceHall 301 (Stephanie F. Connaughton Room)
(29 Oxford St, Cambridge, MA 02138)
Presenters: Eleni Kaxiras, Faras Sadek, Keshavamurthy Indireshkumar
Who is this for: This is primarily for classes, but beginning researchers might benefit as well.
What are the topics: This session will be a simple introduction to Python. We will discuss variables, collections, control of flow, and functions. We will also discuss numpy, scipy, linear algebra and ordinary differential equations.
Pre-tutorial preparation:
You have at least two options: 1) Have a working version of python and jupyter on your laptop or 2) Work on google colaboratory (needs google account).
- Have a local python installation. Easiest way of accomplishing this is via Anaconda distribution of python.
Please visit the link below for Anaconda installation (click on download):
Suggestions:- Choose Python 3 (3.6 as of this writing)
- On Mac, if the graphical installer does not work, choose the command line installer.
- You can also access jupyter notebook via google colaboratory. You need a google account (g.harvard.edu will do).
Helpful links on Anaconda, ipython notebooks etc:
Tutorial Materials
The rest of this page assumes you have installed Anaconda.