- Conservation projects (off-site and onsite)*
- Digitization projects (off-site and onsite)*
- Classes?
- Exhibits?
* For small, onsite digitization and conservation projects, you can add items to a general "FYxx" activity for tracking (like "MED Conservation FY20" or "MED Digitization FY20"), rather than creating a separate activity. For larger and/or offsite projects, please create a separate activity for ease of tracking the materials as a group.
- Either select the Activity icon in the top-left of the main Aeon screen, or navigate to a similar activity and select Clone Activity from the top toolbar.
- Fill out the following fields:
- Owning Library: Countway
- Begin date: Enter the date of the start of the activity
- Description: Enter here any additional information you want to record, such as the name of a vendor doing digitization or conservation work.
- Name: Activity name. Should begin with the prefix "MED", followed by the activity type and subject, followed by the year.
- Example: MED CNA Digitization 2018
- Type: Select the relevant activity type from the dropdown list.
- Active: Check this.
- Staff contact: Enter your name here as the staff activity lead.
- Move over to the Users tab:
- Search for your own Aeon user record using one of the search fields at the top (username/name/id)
- Once you find yourself in the Search Results window on the right, click and drag your name from the right window over to the left window (under Associated Users).
- Next you'll get a pop up window asking if you'd like to edit the email notification before sending - select yes or no as desired.
- Hit Save (icon in top left, or Ctrl + S).
- Add items to your activity (three methods):
- From Hollis:
- Locate the items you want to add to your activity in Hollis. Go through the process of requesting them via the View in Library request link.
- Once on the Request Form:
- Under Request For: select your activity from the drop-down list.
- If your activity doesn't show up in the list, it means you either didn't properly create/save your activity, or didn't properly associate yourself as a user.
- Modify any other fields in the form as needed, set your Date of Request, and hit Submit Request.
- Repeat this process for all items associated with your activity.
- From Aeon:
- From your own user record in Aeon, open a New Request.
- Use the Catalog Search tab to look items up and import information.
- Under the Request Information box on the right, choose your activity from the "Request For" drop-down list.
- Save your request, and create a new one if you have additional items to enter.
- Import items via spreadsheet (recommended for higher-volume projects)
- See Creating multiple Aeon requests from Excel on the Harvard LTS Wiki.
- Note that in the spreadsheet template, you must enter "MED" in the Site field.
- Now, your activity and associated items should show up both in your Hollis Special Request account (under Activities/Classes on the left) and in the Aeon staff side (browse activities alphabetically for "MED" or search for your activity name).
- From Hollis:
- Print call slips to let public services know that these items have been pulled for an activity.
- For items stored on site, place the call slip on the shelf from which the item was retrieved.
- For items stored at HD, place the call slip in the central "Call Slips for HD items pulled for Activities" folder near the L2 mailboxes.
- As your project progresses, you should route items through relevant steps. These may include (among other options):
- Awaiting HD Delivery/In Item Retrieval
- Item Checked Out To Activity
- In Conservation - WPC
- In Imaging Services for Activity
- In Vendor Digitization
- Item Awaiting Reshelving
- Request Finished
- To add additional notes to your activity, such as project updates, in the Details tab of the Activity window, double click in the white space under Notes and a new Add Note window will pop up where you can enter this information.
[Add instructions for closing out Activities and reshelving items]
[Add instructions for generating reports on activities]
Merging User Records
Find the user records to be merged: Open up the uncleared user record you wish to merge, and under the Process tab, click Merge User.