Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


  • Instructions in this part assume you want to compile and run your own version of WRF. However, note that a compiled usable version of WRF/WRF-Chem v3.6.1 including all external utilities and supplementary geography datasets that you can copy to your preferred run directory is already located at: 


    This folder (hereafter $CLIMATE_MODELS) contains the WRF-ARW model, the WRF Pre-processing system (WPS; used for real test cases), the chemistry module add-on, the complete WRF geography dataset (for use with WPS and WRF-Chem), and other utilities needed for WRF-Chem. Note: WPS, WRF-Chem not relevant for idealized cases.

    Note 2: With the exception of the geography data set which is really big, copy the WRF_CHEM_3-6-1 folder to a location you are going to run it from. Soft link to the geography data set in the $CLIMATE_MODELS folder.

  • If you want to use another version, you will first need to register as a user to download WRF source codes

  • Once you've registered, you will be able to navigate to the downloads section. Select the WRF components relevant to you. For example: #WPS 3.6.1 #WRF 3.6.1 #Chem module add-on for WRF 3.6.1

  • Be sure to read the online user manuals:
    WRF-Chem: #This is for a different WRF-Chem version (3.9), but it's still a relevant guide. #This is a separate supplementary WRF-Chem guide to chemical input data processing.  #Some helpful WRF-Chem slides from NOAA

  • If you're going to be using WRF meteorology output to drive the STILT LPDM ( you will need to make some changes to the Registry file before compiling. Some basic instructions for this are located in $CLIMATE_MODELS folder as a README_WRF-STILT_modifications.txt file. 

  • Once you've downloaded the necessary tar.gz files, confirm your bashrc file looks something like:
    # (1) Load required modules (here we use Intel and Intel MPI) 
       module load intel/17.0.4-fasrc01
       module load impi/2017.2.174-fasrc01
       module load netcdf/4.1.3-fasrc02 
       module load libpng/1.6.25-fasrc01
       module load jasper/1.900.1-fasrc02
       module load intel/17.0.4-fasrc01 impi/2017.2.174-fasrc01 ncview/2.1.7-fasrc01 
       module load ncl_ncarg/6.4.0-fasrc01
    # (2) Define required environment variables
       export JASPERLIB=${JASPER_LIB}
       export HDF5=${HDF5_HOME}
       unset MPI_LIB  #unset for WPS, where WPS is used for real WRF simulations
    ### ...... For WRF-Chem: ...... ###
       export WRF_EM_CORE=1
       export WRF_NMM_CORE=0
       export WRF_CHEM=1


  • Now, configure and compile. WRF must be compiled before WPS.


Regardless of whether you are running WRF or WRF-Chem, it is important that you do the following first and in this order (detailed instructions follow, including in the examples in Part III and IV):

(1) Run WPS (geogrid.exe, ungrib.exe, metgrid.exe) to create real data-based initialization files with of form

(2) Run real.exe to generate input and boundary files of form wrfinput_d0*, wrfbdy_d01 (and optionally wrffdda_d0*) to initialize WRF model 


      3. You should see met_em.d01(or d02 or d03....) files created. These are your WPS final output files that real.exe ingests.


Step 2. Running WRF

  • Navigate to your WRF/WRFV3/run folder

  • Step 2b. PROGRAM REAL: real data initialization program to set up the model domain and initialize WRF


    1. Accounting only for primary PM2.5. There is obviously all the secondary PM2.5 that needs the appropriate precursor species mapped as well. (Nearly 25% to nearly 40% of PM2.5 in many cities in the region is secondary inorganic.)
    2. My failure to process files correctly. While the wrfchemi, wrfbiochemi, and mozbc utilities seem to have gone through, it may not have done so correctly based on an inappropriate namelist parameter selection. For some reason, the surface emissions are not being read in correctly. We used EDGAR-HTAP from 2010 processed using the anthro_emis utility. In the past I have run a test of this using a more specialized inventory from 2010 pre-processed using NCL which led to a far more realistic PM2.5 simulation (i.e., surface emissions data was being read in). 
    3. inappropriate choices in the WRF-Chem namelist.input file.
