- Font: Proxima Nova, Bold
- Size: 45
- Edge: 0
- Line-Spacing: 40
- Text alignment: Center
- Background color: #A51C30 (crimson)
- Background opacity: 90
- Text color: #FFFFFF (white)
- Text opacity: 100
- Position: Lower center
(X positioning is automatically determined by the length of each caption's line, Y is automatically determined by the amount of lines in the caption and sits just on the document's title safe area.)
Alternative colors
Use these alternative colors when crimson doesn't fit the need or mood of the video. When you've chosen a color, it is best to use the same one consistently per project or series.
1. Default (#a51c30; background opacity 90%)
2. Grey (#484c58; background opacity 90%)
3. Dark grey (#1d2024; background opacity 90%)
Video size 1080x1080 (Social)