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It takes 15V from a desktop supply and generates +/-12V and +5V for the breadboard and QICBoards.Next example: Eurorack QICBase running a 4-channel mixer

More details under Demo 1.

Here's a 34-HP EuroRack QICBase running a classic VCO/VCF/VCA synth set, with an additional set of paddles to generate control voltages:

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These use redesigned Cabintech CEfx modules for the VCO/VCF/VCA.  The paddles have magnets glued to them.  Hall sensors beneath the magnets generate control voltages which can be tweaked with attenuverters, then used to control the synth modules.

More details under Demo 2.

Here's an "a la carte" Ornament and Crime:

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QICboards allow you to only install the hardware you need, in this case a D/A converter and a trigger input module, along with an O&C-compatible user interface boardset.

Details under Demo 3.

This one is a portable wavetable synthesizer using the Adafruit Feather M4, built on a QICBase_DD, which fits onto a Hammond enclosure:

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This setup provides plenty of room to experiment with user interfaces and post-processors.

Details under Demo 4.