Image File Data Organization and Data Transfer Guide
(This is how Imaging Services formats and organizes data to share with project partners.)
Description of files
- Image files are encoded in compliance with the JPEG2000 standard
- Data compression: irreversible 9-7 wavelet transform for lossy compression, or reversible 5-3 wavelet transform for lossless compression.
- Photometric interpretation:
- RGB (color), 8-bits per channel, embedded sRGB ICC profile.
- Grayscale, 8 or 16-bits per channel.
- Structural metadata files (optional) conform to the METS standard and Harvard's METS profile for page-turned objects.
- MARC record files (optional) are in MarcXML or MODS format.
- Packaging tag files generated by the packaging application (Bagit) describe the package.
File naming
Image file names consist of three or four components: [UNIQUE_ID]_[Sequence_number].jp2 or [UNIQUE_ID]_[Volume_number]_[Sequence_number].jp2
- [HOLLIS_ID]: Hollis system identifier (e.g. 011835322)
- .xml: File format (XML) extension
Packaging tag file names (see next section – Use of the “bagit” file-packaging and –
interchange protocol).
Use of the “Bagit” file-packaging and -interchange protocol
The data files provided will be arranged and inventoried in accordance with the “Bagit” specification promoted by the Preservation Directorate of the Library of Congress.
To learn more about Bagit and to investigate the freely available tools available for checking the integrity of the Bagit-packaged data, we suggest you consult the following online resources:
A Library of Congress produced video designed to introduce the “Bagit” specification:
Opensource Bagit software tools:
Wikipedia entry:
Organization of files and file system on portable media (i.e, portable hard drive)3
<root directory>
| bag-info.txt
| bagit.txt
| manifest-md5.txt
| tagmanifest-md5.txt
\--/[BATCH ID] (see note 4)
| _[UNIQUE_ID]-METS.xml(single volume METS file example:_007984492-METS.xml)
| _[UNIQUE_ID]_[VOLUME_ID]-METS.xml(multivolume METS file example: _000652831_v0002-METS.xml)
| _[UNIQUE_ID]-METS.xml (manuscript collection METS file example: _morgan_601_705_volIV-METS.xml)
| _batch.xml(see note 5) (technical metadata file)
| [HOLLIS_ID].xml(see note 6) (MarcXML file, e.g., 000652831.xml)
\--/[UNIQUE_ID(see note 7)]/(manuscript collection example, e.g. morgan_601_705_volIV)
| [UNIQUE_ID]_[####].jp2
| morgan_601_705_volIV_0001.jp2
| morgan_601_705_volIV_0002.jp2
| morgan_601_705_volIV_0003.jp2
| morgan_601_705_volIV_0004.jp2
| morgan_601_705_volIV_0099.jp2
\--/[HOLLIS_ID]/(single volume monograph example, e.g. 007984492)
| [HOLLIS_ID]_[####].jp2
| 007984492_0001.jp2
| 0079984492_0002.jp2
| 007984492_0099.jp2
\--/[UNIQUE_ID]_[VOLUME_ID]/(see note 8) (multi-volume example, e.g. 000652831_v0002)
| [VOLUME_ID]_[####].jp2
| 000652831_v0002_0001.jp2
| 000652831_v0002_0002.jp2
| 000652831_v0002_0003.jp2
| 000652831_v0002_0099.jp2
Info | ||
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