Versions Compared


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Usually we package the data in the following directory structure.

Monograph and manuscript materials

For monograph and manuscript materials, we group files into items and items into a batches.  For example, the following batch contains three items.  Two items contain only JPEG2000 image files, and one item contains JPEG2000, OCR plain text, and OCR ALTO XML files.

    [BATCH ID] (see note 4)
        |-- [UNIQUE_ID]-mets.xml (single volume METS file example: 007984492-mets.xml)
        |-- [UNIQUE_ID]_[VOLUME_ID]-mets.xml (multivolume METS file example: 000652831_v0002-mets.xml)
        |-- [UNIQUE_ID]-mets.xml (manuscript collection METS file example: morgan_601_705_volIV-mets.xml)
        |-- [HOLLIS_ID].xml (MARCXML or MODS xml file, e.g., 000652831.xml)
| |-- [UNIQUE_ID]/ (manuscript collection example, e.g. morgan_601_705_volIV) | |-- [UNIQUE_ID]_[####].jp2 |-- morgan_601_705_volIV_0001.jp2 |-- morgan_601_705_volIV_0002.jp2 |-- morgan_601_705_volIV_0003.jp2 |-- morgan_601_705_volIV_0004.jp2 ... |-- morgan_601_705_volIV_0099.jp2
| |-- [HOLLIS_ID]/(single volume monograph example, e.g. 007984492) | |-- [HOLLIS_ID]_[####].jp2
|-- [HOLLIS_ID]_[####].txt
|-- [HOLLIS_ID]_[####].xml |-- 007984492_0001.jp2
|-- 007984492_0001.txt
|-- 007984492_0001.xml |-- 0079984492_0002.jp2 ... |-- 007984492_0099.jp2
|-- 007984492_0099.txt
|-- 007984492_0099.xml
| |-- [UNIQUE_ID]_[VOLUME_ID]/ (multi-volume example, e.g. 000652831_v0002) | |-- [VOLUME_ID]_[v####]_[####].jp2 |-- 000652831_v0002_0001.jp2 |-- 000652831_v0002_0002.jp2 |-- 000652831_v0002_0003.jp2 ... |-- 000652831_v0002_0099.jp2

Photograph and other art objects

For photographs and other art objects, we group files into batches.  For example, the following batch contains a set of JPEG2000 files.


NOTE: Each delivery may contain more than one batchseveral batches.

Use of the “Bagit” file-packaging and -interchange protocol
