A | Outstanding performance based on the following criteria, ranked in order of importance:
A- | Excellent work in all but one of the above criteria. |
B+ | Very good work in all but two of the above criteria. |
B | Acceptable work. Basic content of course has been mastered with evidence of initiative. |
B- | Marginally acceptable work. Basic content of course has been acquired. |
C | Fails. Course will not be accepted toward fulfillment of departmental requirements. |
A | Outstanding performance within the context of course goals; criteria are ranked in order of importance:
A- | Excellent work in all but one of the above criteria. |
B+ | Very good work in all but two of the above criteria. |
B | Acceptable work. Basic content of course has been mastered with evidence of initiative. |
B- | Marginally acceptable work. Basic content of course has been acquired. |
C | Fails. Course will not be accepted toward fulfillment of departmental requirements. |