- The nature of the problem that you intend to undertake (linking it, if possible, to the specific field of your General Exams).
- Its importance to the overall field of study in which you are working.
- A broad review of previous scholarship: who are the main figures who have dealt with this or similar issues? and what, in your opinion, remains to be done? (i.e. why are you writing this particular dissertation?)
- A discussion of the methodologies and materials you anticipate using to tackle your problem.
- If you foresee any areas of difficulty in gathering the material necessary for the completion of the work, you should also note them.
- An envisaged schedule of research and writing.
- A bibliography indicating the works that you have consulted thus far in investigating and defining your topic.
- It should have a title page listing the name of your adviser and the names of the other members of your prospectus committee; and it should conform to the standards of scholarship within your field in terms of diacritical marks and citations.
- A Thesis Reader Request and Proposal ApprovalĀ form should be submitted with the dissertation proposal. It is available in the department office.
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