Graduate students should negotiate with their readers the timing of submission of drafts prior to final revisions (each reader may prefer a different process, the main advisers reading drafts throughout the process, third or fourth readers receiving the full draft). However, the complete manuscript of the dissertation must be submitted to the thesis readers not later than August 1 for a November degree, November 1 for a March degree, and April February 1 for a May degree (this is in order to provide both the committee with sufficient time to read and the candidate to revise, if necessary). The dissertation readers may have other expectations regarding dates for submission which should be discussed and handled on an individual basis. The student is still responsible for distribution of the dissertation to the committee for reading. In cases where a thesis defense is scheduled, the dissertation must be submitted to the primary and secondary advisers at least one month prior to the defense. The thesis defense must be scheduled at least two weeks prior to the university deadline for dissertation submission.