Students may instead wish to develop a minor field in which a cluster of three courses must be taken. In that case, the regular field distribution requirement is waived, but one course outside the double fields is required to ensure breadth. As above, in non-field-specific courses, a topic should be studied which promotes extra diversification methodologically and geographically. Students pursuing a minor filed outside the department still must meet departmental distribution requirements.
If a course falls between two fields of study (which is commonly the case in our team-taught courses), it is important to specify the field, and to clarify the arrangement with the DGS during the semester the course is taken. In such cases the requirement may be considered as fulfilled if the main paper assignment is in the field of the requirement; individual cases are to be presented to the DGS in consultation with the instructor, and when relevant with the adviser. It is the student's responsibility to clarify such special arrangements with the DGS.