Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


All categories: Barcode numbers should be assigned when accessioning or processing is complete. For additional instructions, please see HD & Barcoding.

Accession Number

Accessioning-levelThe accession number is the fiscal year of accession followed by a three digit number indicating which number accession it was for the year. For example, 2007-012 indicates that this was the twelfth archival accession for fiscal year 2007. Remember to enter the accession number for every folder so that the spreadsheet sorts correctly if combined with another series from the same office of origin.

 Processing-level:  Skip.

Schedule Number (archives-only)


Series, Subseries, and Sub-subseries

Accessioning-level: If listing an archival series, the Records Manager will provide the series number to be entered in this field. Remember to enter the series name or number for each row so that the spreadsheet sorts correctly.  If listing a manuscript collection, skip this field unless the Accessions Archivist has provided definitive series names to be recorded.

Processing-level:  Remember to enter the series number or name for each row so that the spreadsheet sorts correctly. You may wish to create a separate Excel sheet for each series in your collection.

Level of description

Accessioning-level:  Skip. 

Processing-level: Enter  file if the unit you're describing is an intellectual group of items (a folder, multiple folders with the same title, a group of tapes with the same title, etc), enter item if the unit you're describing is a single item (one object, one photograph, one tape, etc). [Draft policy for e-media:] If you are listing a piece of electronic media (a floppy disk, a usb drive, etc), use file, because you're describing more than one intellectual item - you're describing the contents of the media. The media itself is just a physical carrier. This assumes there is more than one file/document on the piece of e-media. If there is only one file/document on the e-media, such as one Word doc or one spreadsheet, use item. 

Box type

Accessioning-level:  Skip.

 Processing-level: Use either the term Box or the term Oversized-box depending on the size of the box you're describing. [need to define? ]


General guidance (for everyone): You may not list a range of boxes, for example, if you have a set of reprints described as a group (ie., entered as one row) that spans multiple boxes, say boxes 4 and 5, you may not enter 4-5 in the Box Number cell. You must split the reprints entry into two separate rows, one entered as Box 4 and the other as Box 5. For items stored in oversized flat file drawers, do NOT record a box or folder number, record their location in the Physical Location field (see below).

Accessioning-level: Enter the box number for every row; zeros should be entered in front of single-digit box numbers (use 01, not 1) to ensure proper sorting. Use two leading zeros (001) instead of one if you know there will be 100 boxes or more.

Processing-level: Box numbers are assigned and listed/updated after physical arrangement is complete. Enter the box number for every row; zeros should be entered in front of single-digit box numbers (use 01, not 1) to ensure proper sorting. Use two leading zeros (001) instead of one if you know there are 100 boxes or more.


General guidance (for everyone)The Center does not number folders “across” boxes/collections. Every box starts with Folder “01.” For items stored in oversized flat file drawers, do NOT record a box or folder number, record their location in the Physical Location field (see below).
If the unit you're listing is not housed in a folder (an object, a piece of media, etc), leave this field blank. 
Folder ranges: Unlike box numbers, you may list a folder range associated with an intellectual file that spans multiple folders. For example, if you have three folders with the same title "Correspondence, A-C" in folders 6-8, you don't need to list these out in individual rows, you can enter this as a single row with a single title and enter "06-08" in the Folder Number cell (see the instructions for the Title field below for additional instructions).

Accessioning-level: Though you are NOT writing folder numbers on physical folders, enter sequential folder numbers here, following the general guidance above. Remember that in cases where an intellectual file (one title) spans multiple physical folders, enter this as a single row in the spreadsheet with a folder number range (ex: 07-11) in the Folder Number column, rather than entering them as multiple rows.

Processing-level: Folder numbers are assigned and listed/updated after physical arrangement is complete. Include two leading zeros (001) instead of one if there are 100 or more folders in a particular box.  


Conferences: American Medical Association
Conferences: American Academy of Pediatrics

Accessioning-level: Enter the title of the file or item as it appears on the original following the general guidance above. If a date or date span is part of the original folder title, record it in the title field as part of the title transcription.


If a folder contains a piece of media, transcribe the folder title as you would normally and indicate the presence of media in the Scope and Content field. 

Processing-level: Follow the additional conventions below in addition to the general guidance above. Items and files should be listed in their intellectual arrangement, regardless of where they are stored physically (i.e, in oversized containers or otherwise physically stored separately or out of order). If a folder title does not adequately convey the folder contents, consider clarifying by either adding a folder title qualifier or adding a scope and content note (more on both below).


Folder title qualifiers:  When appropriate, you may append content type qualifiers to folder titles. Qualifiers are useful to users in that they offer clues to the content of folders with “cryptic” titles. Please see the Folder Title Qualifiers list below for a list of approved qualifiers and how to apply them.  DO NOT write out appended qualifiers and how to apply them.  DO NOT write out appended qualifiers on the physical folders.

[+listing electronic records guidance]

on the physical folders.

Electronic records: When paper-based records and born-digital files on carrier media (such as floppy disks or CDs) are found together in the same folder, thefolders mixed-format contents constitute one intellectual unit. For description purposes, this means that the folder translates to one “file” level component in EAD and should be listed as one line on the folder list. When e-media is present, see instructions below re Electronic Media and WPC Numbers. 

Redacting sensitive information: Folder titles containing restricted information should be redacted in the box and folder list ONLY.  Replace the restricted information in the folder title with "[name redacted]" (or similar statement), and write out the redacted information in the Redacted Name column of the box and folder listing spreadsheet (ex. "Redacted name: 'John Smith'."). See the Restrictions section for more information. During processing, the processor should save a file with an alphabetized list of redacted names to the Description folder on the N drive. Names should be accompanied by the box and folder numbers to which they correspond.

Qualifying Date Term

Accessioning-level: If the original folder title says “c.” or “ca.” or “around,” enter "circa" here, otherwise, leave blank.

 Processing-levelUse circa to indicate an approximate date and probably to indicate that you're not certain about a date but you have enough information to make a guess. 

Start Date & End Dates

Accessioning-level: If date information is provided on the physical folder, record the year(s) in the Start and End Year column as appropriate (leaving End Year blank if none is provided). If Month and Day information is provided, record it in the Month DD field in that format (ex: April 02). If no date information is provided on the folderbriefly review folder contents and record a Start and End year (leaving the End Year field blank if it is the same as the Start Year). If the folder and folder contents are undated, leave the date fields blank (do not write "undated"). 

 Processing-level: Accurate date ranges should be recorded during processing, this may require briefly reviewing folder contents to determine an accurate date range. Enter the start year and end year in the appropriate columns, and if appropriate, enter month and day information in the corresponding columns in DACS format: Month DD (see examples below). 








 March 12


Scope and Content Note

Accessioning-level:  Use to indicate the presence of electronic media or audio-visual items within a folder, i.e., "Folder contains 2 compact discs."

 Processing-level: Processing archivists may, at their discretion, create file-level notes describing the scope and contents of the file. The purpose of creating folder-level scope and contents notes is to:


    • Format notes in complete sentences.
    • Capitalize the first letter of sentences and use appropriate punctuation.
    • Write out numbers in notes field less than 100 (“three” not “3”).
    • Write out dates in DACS format: 1959 December 11, not 12/11/59 or Dec. 11, 1959.
    • Consistently provide the full name of organizations, individuals, etc. that are abbreviated in folder titles for all folders employing known or determined (from the folder contents) abbreviations.

Restriction Statement

Accessioning-level: Skip unless otherwise instructed.

Processing-level:  Assess whether materials in a particular folder should be restricted. See Restrictions for guidance. List one or more of the following statements as appropriate (may substitute "Audio cassette", "Electronic file," or other unit terms for "File" as needed):


File contains restricted Harvard University affiliate records.

Restriction Term

Accessioning-level: Skip unless otherwise instructed.

 Processing-level: Determine the restriction period based on the type of restricted information present, and enter the term period here (typically 50 or 80 years, see Restrictions for more information). The excel exporter will automatically generate a restriction term statement based on the end date you've entered for this file/item, an automatically generate a "restricted until YYYY" using the term you've entered here. If the restriction term has ended (for example, you end up with "Restricted until 1950", the excel export sheet will automatically highlight that cell in red, so you can keep an eye out for those and remove the restriction term entries for those materials.  For help determining whether something is a university record, consult with the Collections Services Archivist or the Records Manager. 

Redacted name

Accessioning-level: Skip unless otherwise instructed.

 Processing-level: List here any names you have redacted from the folder title in indirect order (i.e., Holmes, Oliver Wendell). This data should not be exported into the finding aid, but should be saved as part of the folder list in the collection's Description folder on the N drive. For more information on redacting, please see the above "Redacting Sensitive Information" section, under the instructions for the Title column.


Physical location

All categories: Use to record the location of items stored in a flat file drawer or other physical locations when not housed in an identifiable box or folder.Example: Flat file cabinet 03, drawer 01 

Electronic Media and WPC numbers

Accessioning-level: If you are logging Electronic Media as part of accessioning/listing, see the instructions for using the E-Media Logging sheet. Then enter Electronic Media numbers in this field using the following format: Electronic Media ####. You may list ranges of numbers if applicable for example: Electronic Media #### - ####.When multiple pieces of emedia are present in one folder, please list all emedia numbers, rather than providing ranges. 

Processing-level: Use to note internally assigned numbers or identifiers such as Weissman Preservation Center numbers (WPC####) and Electronic Media numbers (Electronic Media ####), etc. You may list number ranges if applicable. When multiple pieces of emedia are present in one folder, please list all emedia numbers, rather than providing ranges. 

Internal Notes: General

Accessioning-level: Skip.

 Processing-level: Record information that is not for public consumption, including notes that may benefit Public Services. This includes:


Internal Notes: Items of Interest

Accessioning-level: Skip.

 Processing-level: Use field to flag visually interesting items for digitization, exhibits, blog posts, etc. Provide a brief description of the item of note in the folder for future scanning or use.
