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Table of Contents


  1. run ATpneumatics_checkout
  2. open dome: auxtel/atdome/
  3. open mirror covers (component: ATPneumatics, cmd: openM1Cover)
  4. enable corrections:
  5. With run command, disable dome following.
  6. run correct pointing (put range for target there)
  7. try to run latiss_wep_align to focus telescope - may not work, may have to do manual focus sweep
  9. Find targets of mag 12 +/- 1 at a large range of airmasses/elevations and take images of those without moving dome
    1. take_image_latiss as engtest → with g band in filter wheel, reason is on-sky, probably
  10. stop tracking
  11. point to MOSS and take a series of images there
    1. take_image_latiss

Summer meeting notes:

  • Merlins thing basically works
  • Juan Lin’s does much better ISR
  • —> take their ISR, then do a peak finding and source fitting for both getting moments and centroiding using merlin’s method and gals
  • Now, go through the data, do rotation so that we are in x and y, and seeing what we see (rotate the centroid coordinates after)
  • preops notebook in GIT!!!!
  • Improperly masked bad columns? - ISR mostly has worked
  • Not perfect - going to have to check for outliers, etc.
  • Running through the full 9000 images has to be done
  • Elana knows relationship between rotation az/el and we will matrix and put in the sign