Harvard’s initial implementation of ArcLight will be based on version 1.4.0, which includes many enhancements over version 0.5 used during Phase 1. ArcLight will retain many features currently available in the PUI, including:
Requesting via Aeon
Automated publication of finding aids
Navigation to Harvard platforms like HOLLIS
Providing PDF and CSV files of finding aids
Browsing and searching by repository
Embedded digital content in finding aids
Ability to group search results by collection
Will this impact the ArchivesSpace staff interface and Aeon?
Harvard will continue to use the ArchivesSpace staff interface for creating/managing archival and collection management metadata, and Aeon for creating/managing requests. As separate systems from ArcLight, any changes to accommodate the new platform will be minimal.
What will implementation look like?
The implementation team consists of:
Maura Carbone | LTS Product OwnerTechnical Liason |
Enrique Diaz | LTS Portfolio Manager |
Grace Dunbar | LTS Client Relations |
Alexander Duryee | Service Owner |
Jennifer Fauxsmith | Service Owner |
Tom Hyry | Project Executive Sponsor |
Sara Rubinow | LTS Project Manager |
Stu Snydman | Project Executive Sponsor |
Will links to HOLLIS for Archival Discovery Archival Discovery continue to work?
URNs that point to the PUI will be re-routed to ArcLight. Non-URN links to finding aids may no longer resolve, and may need to be updated.
There will be an open information and discussion session on Arclight ArcLight in October (details TBD).