Table of Contents | ||
- run ATpneumatics_checkout
- open dome: auxtel/atdome/
- open mirror covers (component: ATPneumatics, cmd: openM1Cover)
- enable corrections:
- With run command, disable dome following.
- run correct pointing (put range for target there)
- try to run latiss_wep_align to focus telescope - may not work, may have to do manual focus sweep
- Find targets of mag 12 +/- 1 at a large range of airmasses/elevations and take images of those without moving dome
- take_image_latiss as engtest → with g band in filter wheel, reason is on-sky, probably
- stop tracking
- point to MOSS and take a series of images there
- take_image_latiss
Think it is swapping the peak id of two values, so I need to re-sort them in the dataframe (add a new column of source id!).
Once sorted in y, the source assignment improves dramatically (this is May 15 images 4200-4350):
However, we can see we still have some points in a different location (some common-mode motion maybe judging off of the left plot). We ca probably set a filter on the x,y positions to make these plots really nice and have no contamination between beams (though I wonder how the contamination is happening when if it's common-mode motion, the peaks should all be mapped the same relative to one another...).
I want to try some other data as well, but this functionality is now built in!