Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

You must be signed in "at" the appropriate Receiving Department in order to see the associated orders in the Receiving list. See Alma Receiving Department Concept (TtT) for more detailed information.

Table of Contents

Overview -- Receiving New Material

  1. Verify that you are signed in at the appropriate Receiving Department location
  2. In the acquisitions menu, click on "Receive" under Receiving and Invoicing. This will take you to a new page called Receive New Material

Top menu bar

Keep in department: Select this box to indicate that further work is required before the material can be made available in a library.

    • This assigns a work order that defines the next step of the process 
      • If this box is not checked, the status of the continuous item, after receipt, will change to Item in place to indicate that it is shelved in the library
      • See Work Orders and Post-Receiving Processing for more details

Shelf-ready: This is a quick way to call up an order via the barcode, either real or system generated.

    • Scanning in the barcode will bring up the order for receipt  (scanning in continuous received barcodes does not yield any search results as of 5/3)

Received date:  Defaults to the current date, but also possible to change this date

One time/Continuous tabs

Orders are arranged in two tabs; One time and Continuous.

The Continuous tab includes the following order types: Print Journal - Subscription, Physical - Subscription, and Physical - Standing Order Non Monograph.

  • PLEASE NOTE: Physical Standing Order Monograph orders  do NOT appear in the Receiving list, but no migrated Aleph orders are of this type.

--See Standing Orders - Overview for more details 

Searching on the Receive New Material Page

The search drop down menu provides a number of ways to search for an order

Common Fields (the first search option) includes the following fields:

  • Vendor reference number
  • PO line (number)
  • Additional PO line reference
  • Title
  • Standard number
  • Vendor title number
titleTips on Searching on the 'Receive New Materials' page

When searching for an invoice number, select Invoice Number instead of All(the invoice number index does not seem to be included in the All search)


The bibliographic fields included as search options on the Receiving page only search a truncated version of the bibliographic record; they do not search the fields within the full bibliographic record. 

The search is limited to what is displayed under the Bibliographic information tab of the items attached to the order (see Editing the item record(s) before Searching below).

This means that:

-- Title and Title - Starts with searches will only search the 245 field;

        • Also note that you must include initial articles (e.g. "the" or "an") in a Title - Starts with search.
-- Author name search will only search the 100 field.

If these searches do not result in finding the order, try searching in the Institution Zone, using the persistent search bar. Find the POL number or ISSN and then return to the Receiving list to find your order. 


Search Filters

A number of filters allow you to further limit your search

Filter by Vendor

Status (PO Line status): The default value is the value of your most recent search

    • Items with a status of In Transit retain their status until they are scanned at the target location.  
    • If the item’s location is the shelving library, the item retains its In Transit status until it is scanned at the primary circulation desk.
The receiving list includes POL's in every status, except for cancelled, not just those that have not yet been received. You can't receive on a cancelled order so they do not appear in this list; they display in other searches, though. 
See Order maintenance documents for more info
      • You can receive items for Closed but not Cancelled PO lines (which is why there is no Cancelled category in the Status drop down menu). 
      • You can receive items for in Review PO lines.
      • Aleph order statuses VC and LC migrated as cancelled, so it will be necessary to reopen these cancelled orders before receiving items on them.
For instructions on reopening cancelled orders, see the Order maintenance doc 


    • Order lines – Find PO lines that match the search criteria (default)
    • Entire PO content – Find PO lines that are packaged in the same PO as the PO lines that match the search criteria 

Interested Usersitems that have interested users are indicated in the table by a green check mark in the Interested Users column.

Table of orders (Results List)

The list of orders is displayed in column format. Some of these columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order via the small arrows to the right of the Column header

(info) Column order can be changed by left-click dragging them.

The table of orders in the Continuous tab displays the same information as the One-Time tab, with the following exceptions: 

  • There is no check box preceding the PO line numbers.
  • There is no Items Received column.

    Explanation of Columns: (column display can be customized via the gear icon)

    #: this is the POL number. Clicking on the number will open up the POL in edit mode

    Item description: brief description of the title. Click on it to open up the preview metadata screen from which one can open the Metadata editor

    Status: the POL status. For more detail see: POL Statuses (TtT)

    Locations: Indicates the Library and Location on the attached items.

    # Ordered: number of copies ordered

    Date sent: the date the PO was sent to vendor

    Next step: the next step for the item after it is received as defined within the Keep in department field. See Work orders and Post-Receiving Processing for more details

    Rush: a Red clock icon will appear in this column when the Rush box is checked in the POL

    Notes: a green check mark will appear if there are notes associated with the POL. Clicking on the check mark will open up the Notes tab of the POL. This is where the migrated Aleph Library Note and Subscription Note would appear.

    Receiving note: displays the text from the Receiving note field in the POL. This is where the migrated Aleph check-in note would appear.

    Interested Users: a check mark will appear if there are Interested users associated with the POL. Clicking on the check mark will open up the Interested Users tab of the POL

    Ellipsis: Additional action options:

      • Manage items: View details of the PO line and manage each of the PO line's items. For example, to configure what happens to the items after they are received, add a permanent barcode, mark an item as received, or change the permanent location of an item. 
      • Receive: one way to receive a one-time order (not recommended for continuous orders- see explanation below)
      • Print Interested Users List (Appears only if the PO line actually has interested users): Print a list of interested users for the PO line.  



    Receiving Continuous Print Journal - Subscription or Physical - Subscription orders

    Navigate to:   Acquisitions --> Receiving and Invoicing --> Receive --> Receive New Material --> Received Items List --> Physical Item Editor (if editing issue information) --> 

    1) Verify that you are signed in at the appropriate Receiving Department location;

    2) In the Acquisitions menu, click on "Receive" under Receiving and Invoicing;

    3) Choose the "Continuous" tab;

    Keep in Department box:

  • Uncheck if material is going to its shelving destination after receiving 
  • Check box and select next destination after a piece is received

    4) Search for the title you want to receive. 

      • You can search fields included in the "POL Details Description" below such as keywords from the 245 field of the title, ISSN, publisher, and receiving note.
      • It is also possible to search by purchase order line number, but if you do it this way, you will not see the full list of orders for a serial title.   

    Image Removed


    5) Click on the hyperlinked title above under Item description to view the full bib. record if you need to compare the bib. record to the item in hand. Then click on the back arrow next to "Record View" (top left).

    6) Read the Receiving note (where the migrated Aleph check-in note from the subscription record appears). If the Receiving Note is lengthy, you will need to hover over it with your mouse to read it in full.

    Alternatively, you can also choose to read the Receiving note in full after choosing Manage Items as described in the step below.


    AnchorReceiving and creating a New or unpredicted itemsReceiving and creating a New or unpredicted items

    Receiving and creating a new or unpredicted item

    1) From the Receive New Material screen, click on the ellipsis next to the title entry and choose Manage items. This will display the Received Items List

      • Receiving status and Location filters are set to "All" by default. These filters can be edited. (e.g. The Receiving status can be changed to 'Not Received' to pull up only this category.)


    2) Click on the Receive New Items command above the list of items. This displays the Receive New Items screen which allows you to create a new item and receive it  

    titleReceive new items -- suggested best practice

    Clicking on the Receive option via the ellipsis next to the title entry on the Receive New Material screen will bring you to the this same Receive New items screen, but does not allow you to see the list of items first.

    Therefore, suggested best practice is to choose Manage items first and then choose Receive New items


    3) Receive New items screen

    The Keep in Department, and the Received Date fields displays appear here as they did on the Receive New Material screen

    The screen displays the last received item’s details and enables you to enter details for a new item, as required, or duplicate and then edit the details from the last item received

    a) If entering details for a new item; the only fields that you can set via this method are:

        • Enumeration; Chronology and Description

    b) if manually creating an item by duplicating the most recently received item; the only fields that will be duplicated are:

        • Permanent location  (note that the temporary location will not be duplicated)
        • Material type
        • Note that the loan policy will not be duplicated.

    See Copy of Receiving a Continuous Order: Print Journal or Physical Subscription (TtT) below for more info on adding or editing the Enumeration, chronology and Description fields

      • All item details are listed in the Items Arrived area at the bottom of the page.
      •  You can also access the Receive New Items page by clicking Receive New Items on the Received Items List page. 

    4) After adding the information for your new item, choose one for the following action steps:

    Create and Receive: will save the newly created item, mark it as received, add the receipt date and return to the Received items list

    Receive and Set Barcodes: opens a screen which lets you change or enter/scan in a barcode; saves the newly created item, marks it as received, adds the receipt date and returns to the Received items list

      • NOTE: You can also change/enter/scan the barcode directly in the Received items list, but you must then click the checkbox to the left of the item and hit the white Save button at the top right of the screen.

    Important: once created, find the item in the received items list, and choose Edit inventory item to add values such as the Item policy (i.e. loan policy) and make any other additional edits

    Cancel – hitting the Cancel key and then the Back key will return you to the previous screen

    Receiving and editing existing or predicted items



    Warning: When working on an item in the Receiving materials list, simply editing an item, entering a receiving date, and clicking Save does not properly receive an item from the Alma workflow standpoint. The item's status will remain "not in place."

    There is no need to enter a receiving date when editing the item: this will automatically be filled in by the system after following the next steps below. If you enter a receiving date while editing an item, and save it, the item has not been received, and the item's status will remain "not in place". You would have to "receive" it, by either clicking Receive under the ellipsis drop down menu, or check the box to the left of the item, and Choose Save and Receive in the upper right hand corner of the screen.


    1) On the Receive New Material  screen, click on the ellipsis next to the title entry and choose Manage Items. (Choosing "Manage items" is preferable to "Receive," as "Receive" is for creating a new item, not for editing an existing or predicted item)

    The Received Items List, displays, which includes unreceived items.  

        • To change the sorting routine, click on the Sort routine button to the right of the number of items. This list can also be limited by Receiving status and Location 
    Click Analytics Issues Report to view a Missing Issues report of non-received items listing expected arrival dates for this PO line. In the report, click Open in a new window to open the report in a new tab, Expand to open the report in Analytics to change the report parameters, or Close to close the report.

    2) Find the item in hand, in the list, click on the ellipsis next to the item, and choose Edit inventory item.

    • As appropriate, fix enumeration, chronology, barcode, and any other necessary fields such as the loan policy and temporary location.

    See Copy of Receiving a Continuous Order: Print Journal or Physical Subscription (TtT) below for more info on adding or editing the Enumeration, chronology and Description fields

    3) After editing the item, click Save

    4) Then either

    a) click the ellipsis next to the item you wish to receive and select Receive or,

    b) click the checkbox to the left of the item you wish to receive and click the blue Save and Receive button at the top right of the screen. You will only see the "Receiving process was activated for the selected Purchase Order lines" alert if you select option b. 

    Note that option b can be used for receiving multiple items at once: click the checkboxes to the left of the items you wish to receive and then click Save and Receive.  

    5) If the title is predicted:

    Find the item you want to receive on the Received Items List (it should have a blank date received). Note that the Received Items List includes unreceived predicted items.

      • You can sort unreceived items so that they appear at the top of the screen by selecting Receiving Date from the Sort Routine drop-down menu, then select Not Received for Receiving Status.

    6a) If the item you wish to receive does not require editing, click the ellipsis […] to the right of the item and select Receive. (You have the option to scan in a physical barcode before selecting Receive). Note that you will not be able to check to see if an item has a loan policy if you select Receive.

    6b) If the item you wish to receive requires editing, click the ellipsis […] to the right of the item and select Edit inventory item: fix enum, chronology, barcode, and any other necessary fields such as the loan policy and temporary location.

    See Copy of Receiving a Continuous Order: Print Journal or Physical Subscription (TtT) below for more info on adding or editing the Enumeration, chronology and Description fields.

      • After editing the item, click Save, then click Confirm. You will return to the Received items list.
      • Then either

    a) click the ellipsis next to the item you wish to receive and select Receive or

    b) click the checkbox to the left of the item you wish to receive and click the blue Save and Receive button at the top right of the screen.

    You will only see the "Receiving process was activated for the selected Purchase Order lines" alert if you select option b.

    Opening a new set of predicted items

    If you have received the last predicted item, you will need to open the new set of predicted items. Here are two ways to open the next set of predicted items:

    Option A (navigate to the List of Items):

    1. From the Received Items List, click on the ellipsis next to any item and select Edit Inventory item.
    2. Click on the blue View All Items hyperlink at the top right side of the screen, which will bring you to the List of Items screen.
    3. Click on the Actions drop-down menu and select Open Predicted Items.
    4. Click Save items to save the list of newly predicted items that displays (or click discard if you do not want to save the newly predicted items). 

    Option B (navigate to the holdings record in the MD Editor):

    1. From the Received Items List, click on the Holdings Information tab
    2. Click on the Edit Holdings link. This will pull up the holdings record in MD Editor. 
    3. Click on the binoculars icon to the left of the most recent 853 field to view the next predicted item's information (and edit if needed), when finished, click Close.
    4. Move cursor to the 853 field,
      1. click on the Tools drop-down menu,
      2. select MARC21 Holdings,
      3. select Open Predicted Items,
      4. click Save to save the list of newly predicted items that displays (or click discard if you do not want to save the newly predicted items). 

    See /wiki/spaces/lspp/pages/43782381 for more detailed information.

    Image Removed

    Click here to view a video of receiving a serial issue by manually duplicating the previous item and updating the holdings record. Note that the video does not demonstrate finding the duplicated item in the received items list after created and choosing Edit inventory item to add values such as the Item policy (i.e. loan policy).


    AnchorEnumeration and Chronology fields in the itemEnumeration and Chronology fields in the item Panel
    titleEnumeration, Chronology and Description fields in the item

    Enumeration, Chronology

    Add unique Enumeration and Chronology values in the item record. Either the Enumeration A or Chronology I field must have a value.


    • If no value is set for Description, the item is treated as a monograph.
    • If a value is set for Description, the item is treated as a serial and is displayed as such in the Get It tab (with the Get It tab display being slightly different, in order to supply the information for the serial title).

    The Description field can be added manually or can be auto-populated by clicking on the Generate button. 

    The display populated from the Generate button is based on configurable Description templates. There will be Description templates for the most common enumeration and chronology pairings;

    New Description templates can be created by those with the appropriate roles (permissions):

      • Repository Administrator
      • Catalog Administrator
      • General Administrator

    Patron / Recall requests

    Patron and recall requests are made on the description level rather than on the title level. The Description field is what Primo and Alma use to identify the context of a request when it is placed. Patrons placing a request from Primo (or staff placing a request on behalf of the patron in Alma), will select from a list of defined descriptions for a given title’s items.

    AnchorViewing or Editing the Holdings recordViewing or Editing the Holdings record

    Viewing or Editing the Holdings record

    • The Received Items List for Continuous orders includes 3 tabs: PO Line items,  Holdings Information
    • To edit the holdings record, click on the Holdings Information tab, then Edit Holdings to open the MD Editor page and edit the holdings  
    • See /wiki/spaces/lspp/pages/43782380 for more detailed information.


    Receiving Standing orders

    Alma standing orders are identified as either Physical - Standing Order Monograph or Physical Standing Order Non Monograph.  See Physical Standing Order Monograph and Print book - Standing Order Creation and /wiki/spaces/lspp/pages/43782024

    The receiving process for these two types differs dramatically, as only the Physical Standing Order Non Monograph purchase type receipts will appear in the Receiving list.


    titleA note about Aleph-migrated orders

    In Aleph, depending on the characteristics of the standing order, some units used O type orders while others used S type orders: often combining the Aleph order type with the Material type field in the Aleph order (BW, SM, etc) to further define the nature of the order.

    Because of this it was not possible to migrate all Aleph standing orders into one single type of Alma Continuous order, so it will be important to either follow the receipt process based on the resulting Alma Purchase type, or close the migrated order and open a new one using your desired Alma Purchase type.

    No Aleph orders migrated into the Alma Standing order-Monograph type, but this type is available for use with newly created orders in Alma.

    Here is a list of the Aleph to Alma order migrations:

    Alma Physical standing order non-monograph

      • Aleph O, all material types
      • Aleph S, material type SM

    Alma Print Journal Subscription

      • Aleph S, material type SE, SP, SN, BK, BW, BL

    Alma Physical Subscription

      • Aleph S, all other material types

    Alma Standng order monograph

      • No Aleph orders migrated to this type, but it is available for use with new orders created in Alma

    Workflow options and considerations

    There are various ways to process the receipt of standing orders, based upon order type, but also based upon cataloging decision, item record placement and holdings record description decisions.

    Items – Linkage of an item to the continuous POL depends on the type of standing order:

      • You can link an item to a POL only if the POL is a One-time or Standing order Monograph type
      • You can link the holdings to a POL (and thereby link the corresponding item) if the POL is of type Standing order non-monograph or PhysicalSubscription.


    The following table is a summary of the process to follow depending on:

    • Whether receipts on the standing order are cataloged as piece-level bibs (i.e. analyzed), or collectively on the standing order bib
    • Whether the item records for the receipts are on the collective record or on the piece-level bibs
    • Whether holdings are described on the standing order collective record or on the piece-level bibs
    Aleph order typeAlma order typeType of continuationpiece level bib?Receive in receiving listbib creationitem creationedit/create holdingsPOL link

    O (All Material Types)

    S, material type SM)


    Physical Standing Order, Non-Monograph

    Multi-part monographs


    noyesn/aat point of receipt in receiving listedit
    • automatic when create item in receiving list

    Analyzed multipart monographs


    yesnot necessary but is an optionyeson piece level bib; add receiving date to the itemcreate on piece level; and/or update standing order holding (depends on nature of title)
      • If you check 'Keep in Department':
        • When you receive just one item at a time, you will get a notification if that item has a hold.
        • When you receive multiple items at once and even one item has a hold, you will get a generic message that does not specify which title(s) have the hold.
        • LTS has logged an Alma request for ExLibris to specify which title which has the request in this message
      • If this box is not checked, the status of the continuous item, after receipt, will change to Item in place to indicate that it is shelved in the library
        • If you uncheck 'Keep in Department', there will be no pop-up message about pending requests.

    Shelf-ready: This is a quick way to call up an order via the barcode, either real or system generated.

      • Scanning in the barcode will bring up the order for receipt  (scanning in continuous received barcodes does not yield any search results as of 5/3)

    Received date:  Defaults to the current date, but also possible to change this date

    One time/Continuous tabs

    Orders are arranged in two tabs; One time and Continuous.

    The Continuous tab includes the following order types: Print Journal - Subscription, Physical - Subscription, and Physical - Standing Order Non Monograph.

    • PLEASE NOTE: Physical Standing Order Monograph orders  do NOT appear in the Receiving list.

    --See Standing Orders - Overview for more details 

    Searching on the Receive New Material Page

    The search drop down menu provides a number of ways to search for an order

    Common Fields (the first search option) includes the following fields:

    • Vendor reference number
    • PO line (number)
    • Additional PO line reference
    • Title
    • Standard number
    • Vendor title number
    titleTips on Searching on the 'Receive New Materials' page

    When searching for an invoice number, select Invoice Number instead of All(the invoice number index does not seem to be included in the All search)


    The bibliographic fields included as search options on the Receiving page only search a truncated version of the bibliographic record; they do not search the fields within the full bibliographic record. 

    The search is limited to what is displayed under the Bibliographic information tab of the items attached to the order (see Editing the item record(s) before Searching below).

    This means that:

    -- Title and Title - Starts with searches will only search the 245 field;

          • Also note that you must include initial articles (e.g. "the" or "an") in a Title - Starts with search.

    -- Author name search will only search the 100 field.

    If these searches do not result in finding the order, try searching in the Institution Zone, using the persistent search bar. Find the POL number or ISSN and then return to the Receiving list to find your order. 

    Search Filters

    A number of filters allow you to further limit your search

    Filter by Vendor

    Status (PO Line status): The default value is the value of your most recent search

      • Items with a status of In Transit retain their status until they are scanned at the target location.  
      • If the item’s location is the shelving library, the item retains its In Transit status until it is scanned at the primary circulation desk.

    The receiving list includes POL's in every status, except for cancelled, not just those that have not yet been received. You can't receive on a cancelled order so they do not appear in this list; they display in other searches, though. 
    See Order maintenance documents for more info
        • You can receive items for Closed but not Cancelled PO lines (which is why there is no Cancelled category in the Status drop down menu). 
        • You can receive items for in Review PO lines.
        • Aleph order statuses VC and LC migrated as cancelled, so it will be necessary to reopen these cancelled orders before receiving items on them.

    For instructions on reopening cancelled orders, see the Order maintenance doc 

      • Order lines – Find PO lines that match the search criteria (default)
      • Entire PO content – Find PO lines that are packaged in the same PO as the PO lines that match the search criteria 

    Interested Usersitems that have interested users are indicated in the table by a green check mark in the Interested Users column.

    Table of orders (Results List)

    The list of orders is displayed in column format. Some of these columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order via the small arrows to the right of the Column header

    (info) Column order can be changed by left-click dragging them.

    The table of orders in the Continuous tab displays the same information as the One-Time tab, with the following exceptions: 

    • There is no check box preceding the PO line numbers.
    • There is no Items Received column.

    Explanation of Columns: (column display can be customized via the gear icon)

    #: this is the POL number. Clicking on the number will open up the POL in edit mode

    Item description: brief description of the title. Click on it to open up the preview metadata screen from which one can open the Metadata editor

    Status: the POL status. For more detail see: POL Statuses (TtT)

    Locations: Indicates the Library and Location on the attached items.

    # Ordered: number of copies ordered

    Date sent: the date the PO was sent to vendor

    Next step: the next step for the item after it is received as defined within the Keep in department field. See Work orders and Post-Receiving Processing for more details

    Rush: a Red clock icon will appear in this column when the Rush box is checked in the POL

    Notes: a green check mark will appear if there are notes associated with the POL. Clicking on the check mark will open up the Notes tab of the POL. This is where the migrated Aleph Library Note and Subscription Note would appear.

    Receiving note: displays the text from the Receiving note field in the POL. This is where the migrated Aleph check-in note would appear.

    Interested Users: a check mark will appear if there are Interested users associated with the POL. Clicking on the check mark will open up the Interested Users tab of the POL

    Ellipsis: Additional action options:

      • Manage items: View details of the PO line and manage each of the PO line's items. For example, to configure what happens to the items after they are received, add a permanent barcode, mark an item as received, or change the permanent location of an item. 
      • Receive: one way to receive a one-time order (not recommended for continuous orders- see explanation below)
      • Print Interested Users List (Appears only if the PO line actually has interested users): Print a list of interested users for the PO line.  

    Receiving Standing orders

    Alma standing orders are identified as either Physical - Standing Order Monograph or Physical Standing Order Non Monograph.  See Physical Standing Order Monograph and Print book - Standing Order Creation 

    The receiving process for these two types differs dramatically, as only the Physical Standing Order Non Monograph purchase type receipts will appear in the Receiving list.

    titleA note about Aleph-migrated orders

    In Aleph, depending on the characteristics of the standing order, some units used O type orders while others used S type orders: often combining the Aleph order type with the Material type field in the Aleph order (BW, SM, etc) to further define the nature of the order.

    Because of this it was not possible to migrate all Aleph standing orders into one single type of Alma Continuous order, so it will be important to either follow the receipt process based on the resulting Alma Purchase type, or close the migrated order and open a new one using your desired Alma Purchase type.

    A handful of Aleph orders migrated into the Alma Standing order-Monograph type, and this type is also available for use with newly created orders in Alma.

    Here is a list of the Aleph to Alma order migrations:

    Alma Physical standing order non-monograph

      • Aleph O, all material types
      • Aleph S, material type SM

    Alma Print Journal Subscription

      • Aleph S, material type SE, SP, SN, BK, BW, BL

    Alma Physical Subscription

      • Aleph S, all other material types

    Alma Standng order monograph

      • Aleph O, no value in the order material type field

    Workflow options and considerations

    There are various ways to process the receipt of standing orders, based upon order type, but also based upon cataloging decision, item record placement and holdings record description decisions.

    Items – Linkage of an item to the continuous POL depends on the type of standing order:

      • You can link an item to a POL only if the POL is a One-time or Standing order Monograph type
      • You can link the holdings to a POL (and thereby link the corresponding item) if the POL is of type Standing order non-monograph or Physical Subscription. In Alma, this is referred to as Associate a PO line to the holding. See Adding and Removing PO Line links to Items and Holdings for more information

    The following table is a summary of the process to follow depending on:

    • Whether receipts on the standing order are cataloged as piece-level bibs (i.e. analyzed), or collectively on the standing order bib
    • Whether the item records for the receipts are on the collective record or on the piece-level bibs
    • Whether holdings are described on the standing order collective record or on the piece-level bibs
    Aleph order typeAlma order typeType of continuationPiece-level bibReceive in Receiving ListBib creationItem creationEdit or create HoldingsPOL link

    O (All Material Types)

    S, material type SM)

    Physical Standing Order, Non-Monograph

    Multi-part monographs

    noyesn/aat point of receipt in receiving listedit
    • automatic when create item in receiving list

    Analyzed multipart monographs

    yesnot necessary but is an optionyeson piece level bib; add receiving date to the itemcreate on piece level; and/or update standing order holding (depends on nature of title)
    • can link from POL if standing order is One time or Standing order Mono
    • must link from holdings (AKA Associate a PO line to the holdings) if standing order is Subscription or Standing order non-mono

    SSOs classed together; items on standing order; collective holding on standing order

    yesyesyesat point of receipt on standing order in receiving listedit standing order holding; create piece level holding
    • automatic when create item in receiving list
    SSOs classed sep or together; items on piece level; collective holding on standing orderyesnot necessary but is an optionyeson piece level bib: add the receiving date to the itemedit standing order holding (can do this from receiving list if desirable)
    • can link from POL if standing order is One time or Standing order Mono
    • must link from piece level holdings (AKA Associate a PO line to the holdings) if standing order is Subscription or Standing order non-mono
    Aleph order typeAlma order typeType of continuationPiece-level bib?Receive in Receiving ListBib creationItem creationEdit or create HoldingsPOL link

    O (NO value in the order material type field)

    Print Book–Standing order


    Physical Standing Order Monograph

    SSOs classed sep; items on piece level; no collective holding on standing order

    Blanket orders/Memberships: items on piece level; no collective holding on standing order

    yes: if classed separately

    no; if classed together but migrated to this Alma type because of the Aleph order coding


    yes: if classed separately

    no; if classed together but migrated to this Alma type because of the Aleph order coding

    created from the Holdings record, at point of receipt on piece level or existing bib; add the receiving date to the itemcreate piece level holding or use exiisting holding; units can decide whether to also record holdings on collective holdings
    • must link POL manually item record

    S (material type SE and all others EXCEPT SM)

    Print Journal–Subscription



    SSOs classed sep; items on piece level; no collective holding on standing order

    yesnoyeson piece level bib; add the receiving date to the itemcreate
    • can link from POL if standing order is One time or Standing order Mono
    • must link from holdings (AKA Associate a PO line to the holdingsif standing order is Subscription or Standing order non-
    • mono

    SSOs classed sep; items on standing order; collective holding on standing order

    SSOs classed together; items

    on standing

    on standing order; collective holding on standing order


    yesyesyesat point of receipt on standing order in receiving listedit standing order holding; create piece level holding
    • automatic when create item in receiving list
    SSOs classed sep or together; items on piece level; collective holding on standing orderyesnot necessary but is an optionyeson piece level bib: add the receiving date to the itemedit standing order holding (can do this from receiving list if desirable)
    • can link from POL if standing order is One time or Standing order Mono
    • must link from piece level holdings if standing order is Subscription or Standing order non-mono


    Print Book–Standing order


    Physical Standing Order Monograph

    SSOs classed sep; items on piece level; no collective holding on standing order

    Blanket orders/Memberships: items on piece level; no collective holding on standing order
    yesnoyes, for piece level bib at point of receiptcreated from the Holdings record, at point of receipt on piece level bib; add the receiving date to the itemcreate piece level holding; units can decide whether to also record holdings on collective holdings
    • must link POL manually from piece level item record

    S (material type SE and all others EXCEPT SM)


    Print Journal–Subscription



    SSOs classed sep; items on piece level; no collective holding on standing order


    yesnoyeson piece level bib; add the receiving date to the itemcreate
    • can link from POL if standing order is One time or Standing order Mono
    • must link from holdings if standing order is Subscription or Standing order non-mono

    SSOs classed sep; items on standing order; collective holding on standing order

    SSOs classed together; items on standing order; collective holding on standing order

    yesyesyesat point of receipt on standing order in receiving listedit standing order holding; create piece level holding
    • automatic when create item in receiving list

    Receive and create item in receiving list 

    1) Make sure you are logged in at the appropriate "Currently at" library. This should be the acquisitions library/unit that processes materials for the holding library of the title

    2) In the Acquisitions menu, under Receiving and Invoicing,click on "Receive

    3) Make sure you are on the "Continuous" tab if the order is a standing order. 

        • NOTE: some multi-part monographs may have been ordered as One Time orders so you may need to choose that tab. 

    4) Proceed as described in the Copy of Receiving a Continuous Order: Print Journal or Physical Subscription (TtT) instructions with the following exceptions for the Item Record

    set Material Type as “book” and set Item Policy as “Regular Loan”

    Receiving and creating a new item in the Receiving list

    1) From the Receive New Material screen, click on the ellipsis next to the title entry and choose Manage items. This will display the Received Items List

      • Receiving status and Location filters are set to "All" by default. These filters can be edited. (e.g. The Receiving status can be changed to 'Not Received' to pull up only this category.)

    2) Click on the Receive New Items command above the list of items. This displays the Receive New Items screen which allows you to create a new item and receive it   


    Receive new items – suggested best practice

    Clicking on the Receive option via the ellipsis next to the title entry on the Receive New Material screen will bring you to the this same Receive New items screen, but does not allow you to see the list of items first.

    Therefore, suggested best practice is to choose Manage items first and then choose Receive New items

    3) Receive New items screen

    The Keep in Department, and the Received Date fields displays appear here as they did on the Receive New Material screen

    The screen displays the last received item’s details and enables you to enter details for a new item, as required, or duplicate and then edit the details from the last item received

    a) If entering details for a new item; the only fields that you can set via this method are:

        • Enumeration; Chronology and Description

    b) if manually creating an item by duplicating the most recently received item; the only fields that will be duplicated are:

        • Permanent location  (note that the temporary location will not be duplicated)
        • Material type
        • Note that the loan policy will not be duplicated.
        • All item details are listed in the Items Arrived area at the bottom of the page. 
        • You can also access the Receive New Items page by clicking Receive New Items on the Received Items List page. 

    4) After adding the information for your new item, choose one for the following action steps:

    Create and Receive: will save the newly created item, mark it as received, add the receipt date and return to the Received items list

    Receive and Set Barcodes: opens a screen which lets you change or enter/scan in a barcode; saves the newly created item, marks it as received, adds the receipt date and returns to the Received items list

      • NOTE: You can also change/enter/scan the barcode directly in the Received items list, but you must then click the checkbox to the left of the item and hit the white Save button at the top right of the screen.

    Important: once created, find the item in the received items list, and choose Edit inventory item to add values such as the Item policy (i.e. loan policy) and make any other additional edits

    Cancel – hitting the Cancel key and then the Back key will return you to the previous screen

    5) The standing order POL will automatically populate in the item record

    6) To annotate/update the holdings record, see Viewing or editing the holdings recordUpdating holdings records (below).

    Creating a piece level bib


    --Use an existing bib;, OR,

    --Bring a bib in from an External Resource, such as OCLC;, OR, 

    --Create a stub bib either in the Metadata Editor, or as follows:

    Use the Quick Cataloging option which will create both a suppressed stub bib, holdings record and item record ASWG: decide whether to include this after looking into options for work orders; overlay options; item defaulting to in place  and requests  

    Create a new physical holdings (


        1. Go to Resource Management > Create Inventory > Add Physical Item) (see Adding a New Book or Journal Article).
        2. Select New in the Choose holding New for the holding type field, select either a book or an article in the Citation type field, and click Choose. The Quick Cataloging page appears.
        3. Configure resource and item informationFill in as much information as possible, and click Save. The A suppressed stub bib, holdings record and item are created, and the new item appear in a repository list;will be created

    Creating items and holding on piece level bibs and link to Standing order POL

    1) Use an existing, create or import the piece level bib

    2) Add a holdings record 

    3) Add an item record (from the holdings record) and edit to match piece, loan policy etc  

      • Add the receiving date to the item record
      • NOTE: the item will default to "In place"; move it to another Work order process type (ie. Acquisitions Workflow; Cataloging Workflow, etc.), if appropriate

    4a) If standing order POL type is One time or Standing order Monograph:

      • Click on the PO Line field in the item and search for your POL

    4b) If standing order POL type is Standing order Non-Monograph or Subscription:

          1. From the newly created Item, the PO Line link will only list POLs that are One time or Standing order Mono. Since your order is Standing order non-mono type, you will have to link the POL  via the Holdings
          2. Click on View all holdings
          3. From the list of holdings, choose the ellipsis to the right of your holding and select Associate a PO Line 
          4. Find the POL of the Standing order non-mono and click Update
          5. this will link the newly created holding and item to the Standing order Non-mono POL

    To un-associate a PO Line from a Holdings, select Associate PO line and remove the selected PO line from the PO line box. Click Update

    this will link the newly created holding and item to the Standing order Non-mono POL

    to finish.

    Updating holdings records
    Updating holdings records
    Updating Holdings records

    If holdings are recorded on the Standing order; update the holdings record with the information re the new volume by either:

    • Calling up the holdings record in the Metadata editor and adding the volume information,
    • From the Receive New Material screen, follow these steps:
      1. Click on the ellipsis […] and choose “Manage Items

      2. From here you can click on the “Holdings Information” tab to make certain the volume number you have in hand has not been checked in yet. Make certain that you are looking at the correct holdings for the owning library
      3. If you need to check in the volume (i.e., add it to the holdings) then click on “Edit Holdings” towards the upper right of the screen. This will pull up the MD Editor.  
      4. Add the volume number and year to the holdings. Click the dark blue “Save Record” icon in the light grey toolbar towards the top of the screen; alternately, you can type Ctrl+SClick the "Back" button to return to the previous screen (Received Items List)
    For more information on annotating/updating the holdings record, see Viewing or editing the holdings record

    Receiving during the Invoicing process

    There is also an option to Receive during the Invoicing process. See Creating and Editing an Invoice for details.


    Un-receiving an item

    In order to be able to un-receive an item, the following conditions must be met:

    • The item must have been received
    • The item must still be in the receiving department
    • There are no interested users related to the item

    To un-receive:

    1. Verify that you are signed in to the proper Receiving department
    2. Go to Acquisitions >Receiving and Invoicing > Receive  
    3. Search for the POL in the list 
    4. Click on the Actions Ellipsis icon next to the POL on the Receive New Material page 
    5. Choose Manage items
    6. Click on the Actions Ellipsis icon
    7. Choose Un-receive   


    Warning: just
    titleDeleting a receiving date does not properly un-receive an item

    Just as adding a receiving date to an item in the Received Items List does not properly receive an item, deleting a receiving date does not properly unreceive an item. If an item is received and is in place, it will remain in place if you edit the item and delete the receiving date.



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