Key Enhancements and Bug Fixes
- Web Admin
- Integration with new DRS2 services architecture
- PersonDataService - release connection on request to address an issue with person of interest login
- Added caching of Wordshack terms used on search page
- Increased timeout tolerance for Wordshack client
- Fixed an issue with drop box status display screen
- DRS Services
- DRS services are now containerized and run in Docker instances which allows for easy replication and scalability
- Integration with MongoDB to support future DRS metadata optimization work
- Improved exception handling during virus scanning
- Wordshack
- Improved Wordshack user lookup function to make it more efficient and scalable
- Improved user session management
- Batch Builder 2.2.19
- Batch Builder now assigns NRS File Delivery Service URNs to all files in Opaque object content model batchesAutomated quarterly billing:
- DRS now automatically generates billing reports each quarter
- Automated billing emails: billing emails can now be switched on and off from the Web Admin billing UI
- Updated Web Admin help text for quarterly billing
- Fixed batch queue display (previously was inconsistent depending on which server was serving the display)
- Batch Builder now assigns NRS File Delivery Service URNs to all files in Opaque object content model batchesAutomated quarterly billing:
- DRS Services
- Updated to FITS 1.4 with updated DROID 6.4, Tika 1.19.1, and Exiftool 11.14.
- Updates to still image and PDS document objects in DRS will now correctly trigger IIIF manifest refresh in Library Viewer
- Basic structure for handling of FTS Sets in DRS
- Fixed an issue with recurring descriptor MD5 mismatch error after batch load failure
- Added services to populate new changes to MongoDB delivery metadata collections for FTS, IDS and LibraryCloud
- New Zookeper leader election protocol for DRS Solr to facilitate a more robust recovery mechanism
- Wordshack
- New email lookup endpoint for Wordshack to be used by Batch Builder for depositor email lookup
- Modified Wordshack Client JAR deployed
- New email lookup endpoint for Wordshack to be used by Batch Builder for depositor email lookup
- Batch Builder 2.2.20
- Includes FITS 1.4.0 with updated DROID 6.4, Tika 1.19.1, and Exiftool 11.14.
- Fix to invalid format error when processing m4a audio
- Released FITS 1.4.0 with updated DROID 6.4, Tika 1.19.1, and Exiftool 11.14.
Please contact LTS Support Center with any questions: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul.ois:drshelp