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Sandbox Deployment StatusEmily
  • CADM has agreed to fund sandbox for next semester. 
  • Comfortable rolling out to any school, faculty, or staff, - students must have access to course.
  • On Monday - CIO's will be updated to make the request.  Looking for Schools to chip in based on cost growth. Pending Scott Jordan approval. 
  • Expect to grant more of access starting next week. 
  • Shifting responsibilities and working together on a roadmap now that we have runway.
  • Planning meetings in progress over the next few weeks. 

File UploadChris, Ventz, Lawrence
  • Ventz / Lawrence - File upload release pending for 11/2.
  • Chris - how longs are file persistent?
    • 1 week, but is also in history that can be exported and file re-uploaded.
  • Volume limit? 
    • In progress…looking for balance of file size vs. size to process, along with tokens / capacity.

Adoption SupportAll
  • What can be done to increase comfort level?
  • Nick - working to chat with people to understand use, identify barriers and support, and how to onboard more people. VPAL working ot identify concrete use case examples to inspire use and unpack what works well for whom and why. Create a pedagogical framework.
  • Chris and Rebecca - lot of undergrad interest in engaging with impressive experience.  Would be good to get them in process of developing tutor bots.
  • Chris - reviewed deliverable examples for tstudent work on Generative AI STEM Pedagogy (GAISTEMP) Initiative - stubbslab - Harvard Wiki

  • Discussed possible ways to engage and need to keep management oversight minimal. 
  • Hackathon as agreed approach.  Start with list of ideas.
  • Chris - we should comp students and take them on as temps.
  • Emily - partner with HUIT developers to capture code, avoid duplication, etc.
  • Chris - Need a clearing house of projects being worked on as outcomes, aggregated into a single source of information.
  • Logan - Dustin Tingley input would be valuable. He has done similar student prototyping engagement.
  • Tamara - Bok has a good structure for overseeing undergrad, just need the projects identified.

  • Would not be limited to sandbox projects, but some subset are.  Could also task with training functions.

  • Rebecca  hearing from seas, want computation, but not significant coding skills form students.

  • Logan - target should be spring term courses with real opportunities.

  • Emily - need a few solution groups and plug the right ones in to places - canvas, jupypter, etc.)

  • Chris - designate the HUIT items on the deliverable list 

  • Chris - start an FAQ page about the use of the sandbox, e.g. generate in chatgpt, paste into jupyter notebook (action Nick Wildon).

  • Michael Smith - Excited about development of tools.  Think we need demonstrations in classes, peer-to-peer conversations, spend time figuring out interesting projects, high impact, low effort, makes difference, isn't a nice to have.  Transforms the learning in that class and can be seeded in similar class.

  • November 3rd
  • SEAS, SEC, Physics Library
  • 12 pm to....?
  • Audience (all students, Science and SEAS)?
  • Engage student groups as co-sponsors

Zoom chat notes

David LaPorte 8:08 AM

do we have a list of file types we'll support in the first release?

Ventz Petkov 8:08 AM

As of now:

* text (including code, xml/json, etc)

* pdfs

* word

* powerpoint

Adam G. Beaver  to  Everyone 8:13 AM

Here are all of the workshop requests we’ve gotten so far:

Logan McCarty  to  Everyone 8:22 AM

Right project management is the limiting resource right now

Rebecca Nancy Nesson  to  Everyone 8:23 AM

I really like the idea of doing it as a hackathon to start.

Adam G. Beaver  to  Everyone 8:23 AM

I think it would be useful to lear a lot more about non-Western languages

Adam G. Beaver  to  Everyone 8:24 AM

If we had some subset of the students who could teach us a lot more about the affordances of the tools in that domain, that would help a lot of departments

Rebecca Nancy Nesson  to  Everyone 8:26 AM

Here’s a brainstorm that our undergrad helpers did this summer. Re: Adam’s comment, these are mostly CS students. Also, caveat, this is from August, which is now more ancient history.

Ventz Petkov  to  Everyone 8:27 AM

For the last point (image capture) — this may be helpful:

Jefferson Burson  to  Everyone 8:28 AM

I’ll need to shift to a different meeting at 9:30 that I couldn’t decline!

Christopher William Stubbs  to  Everyone 8:38 AM

Logan McCarty  to  Everyone 8:39 AM

An obvious one for HUIT would be automatic creation of class summaries/learning goals from Panopto transcripts

Adam G. Beaver  to  Everyone 8:40 AM

We’re building something like that here in support of our workshops:

Still a work in progress not yet ready for universal sharing

But it will keep growing as we facilitate more of the workshops

Nick Wilson  to  Everyone 8:43 AM

Adam, this is great! Thanks for sharing!

Rebecca Nancy Nesson  to  Everyone 8:45 AM

November 3, 10, 17 are all possible.

Logan McCarty  to  Everyone 8:48 AM

noon to midnight?

David LaPorte  to  Everyone 8:48 AM

The CS50 folks may also be another good logistical resource

Adam G. Beaver  to  Everyone 8:49 AM


Nick Wilson 8:49 AM

I think there’s a conference being held at the SEC on Nov. 3rd. The Dental school is hosting a symposium:

Action items