Versions Compared


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Items that have been treated for mold should be marked with a special purple card on the outside of their box. Obtain a purple slip card from the Conservator to denote that the materials have been examined and/or treated for mold. Write only the date of examination or treatment on the slip, initial, and place slip in additional clear pocket (next to the shelving location card). If appropriate, the processor can also write the folder number on the purple slipcard.  For individual boxed items, CMI for example, add a notation in purple sticker pencil with the information.  Stickers available from Conservator.Folders can also be annotated on right end of tab in purple pencil.  Date and initial only. 

Odor: If the documents show no indication of mold but retain a very musty odor, the Conservator has a chamber that alleviate the smell of musty material (books or manuscripts). Consult her if you need to use it.


Sticky notes can be removed from paper documents and recycled, if they have no intrinsic value. If a sticky note provides contextual information or in any other way is worth keeping with the document, please leave the sticky in place and enclose it and the paper it is stuck to in an acid-free sling.

Greeting cards with "stuff" (glitter, felt, non-paper accents) should remain closed, be placed in a sling and can remain in the folder.


Specific formats often have their own preservation issues.
