Starting to think about what we will need to take apart, and what can stay put together.
FMP2 mounts with BB2-E02 mirrors in them are extremely difficult to get on to the tip-tilt stages. Note which equipment needed for that.- During assembly, I should write down which serial numbers of piezos/channels correspond to which serial numbers on the k-cubes.
- test collimation when assembling
- mounting just to the right of the slit
- add the ar90L to packing list
Assembly/Alignment Procedure
Packing List
- Laser diode
- Modified AD10F
- BE05-532
- Adapter between beam expanders (SM2A30 and SM1 short)?
- BE20-532
- (2) KM100 mounts
- BSW27 plate beamsplitter
- power supply
(2) MFF102 flip mount- ND Filter Kit
- PFE10-G01 elliptical mirror
- H45E1 45 degree mount
- CM750-500-G01 large concave mirror, f=500mm
- LMR75
- LP126MU camera
- (5?) BS031 beamsplitter cubes
- Special screws that go with these
- Nuts to go on the ends of the screws
- Screws that secure the machined parts to the stages
(5?) Sets of machined beamsplitter cube holders- (5?) APY002 stages
- Small wrench(es)
(8?) PIA13 piezo actuators- power supplies
- USB controllers
(2) KIM100 piezo controllers- USB to computer
LabJack T7 Pro- power supply
- USB hubs
- ethernet cable
Geekom iT13 Pro- (3) BB2-E02 mirrors
- mounting adapter for stage
- screws for mounting adapter
- mounting adapter for optical bench
- extra ball bearings
Manual translation stage- Mac ethernet adapter (for testing connectivity issues)
Ethernet switch- Zip ties
- Power adapters
Power strip- Turnbuckle hooks
- Turnbuckle metal cords
Turnbuckles- Hooks
- AP90R right angle bracket
- Wedges
Optical mounting
- X 1" optical posts
- Y 2" optical posts
- Z 1.5" optical posts
- 10 post clamps
- 8 BA1S
- 1/4-20" mounting hardware
- Imperial wrench set
- Metric wrench set
- LabJack screwdriver
- SPW602, SPW604
- Wire cutters / strippers / additional wire
- Laser pointer
- Optical cards
- Alignment ruler
- Laser level
- Epoxy