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Aeon request for photoduplication of Merritt Room materials held at HD

Requests for high-quality scans of materials held at HD will be are handled via the workflow for reading room requests: Houghton staff [Josh Kantor] will order and review materials, then transfer to Imaging Services.

Patron requests to take digital photographs of Merritt Room materials

Patrons must complete and return the Digital Camera Use Policy form, located on the Keeper's desk. Staff then note that the patron has signed the form (for example, "Isham Digital Camera Use Policy signed, 8/28/2020") in the patron's Aeon profile and shred the paper form.

Requests for duplication of Isham's surrogate materials

Materials reproduced on microforms may not be reproduced in their entirety without permission of the holding library. The holding librarycopyright holder's permission must also be secured before images are deposited into the Digital Repository Service and made publicly available in HOLLIS – note that the holding library is not always the copyright holder (see below for more information about copyright)

It is generally easiest to suggest that the patron contact the holding library directly through a chat or similar link on the institution's website. Using a general portal allows requests to be tracked and directed and is much more efficient than attempting to determine who the appropriate person to contact might be. Also, sometimes materials turn out to have been digitized since they were microfilmed. Before proceeding with a request to create a surrogate of a surrogate, check for high-quality digital images of the original item at the holding library. If you find such images and they are not already linked in the RISM record, email this information to RISM Zentralredaktion so that they may insert a link (Isham staff with Muscat privileges can comment on the record directly, tagging a Zentralredaktion staff member). 


  1. Before initiating the request, make certain that the item is not already in Isham's collections, readily available at another Harvard Library branch or available online. To this last point, it may be necessary to explore the holding institution's catalog record very thoroughly.
  2. Make certain the vendor is represented in Alma (ask the Librarian for Collection Development Library Assistant for Print Music to verify). Paperwork may need to be submitted to the Financial Office, so this is a very important step.
  3. Order the material from the vendor. Copy the Librarian for Collection Development on all correspondence. Be sure to tell the Librarian for Collection Development who the duplicates are for.
  4. Create a stub Connexion record for the material using our local constant data workform (Search Online Constant Data → Brief score → Edit  → Derive new master record). Take care to use encoding level 3 as this will be a partial record. Include a 500 note:

    "Partial (preliminary) level record." Import the record to Alma. 

  5. Send detailed bibliographic information for the requested material, along with the MMS ID of the stub Alma record, to the Librarian for Collection Development.
  6. Once the material is received, get a blank CD-R (not CD-RW) from the supply cabinet on the first floor, and an empty jewel case from the big cardboard box in the back corner of the record stacks. Insert the disc into your disc drive, open the program Roxio (Easy Media Center), drag and drop the files, and click on the amber orb. When the disc drive pops open, push it shut again and check that the files actually copied to the disc. Once you're satisfied, remove the disc, write the MMS ID on the white surface, place it in the jewel case and give the CD-R, Alma record, Connexion record and holding library record to the Senior Music Cataloger. It will take the Senior Music Cataloger about two business days to return the item for end-processing.
  7. While waiting for the item to come back, send confirmation of receipt to the Librarian for Collection Development and submit the invoice for payment to the Librarian for Collection Development.
  8. Once the item comes back from the Senior Music Cataloger, end-process it and notify the patron that the material is available.


More information on DRS deposit here: DRS Deposit for OTC Orders

The first step in approving a digitization request should be verifying whether an item is in the public domain. If an item is not in the public domain, then a next step would be to consult the Digital Program Librarian about next steps. 

Some microfilms in Isham's collections were obtained by means of the Section 108 (b) preservation allowance for deposit of up to three copies of unpublished works in another library for research use. However, that section also mandates that digital copies not be further distributed or used outside the premises of the library. We do not know what would happen if we were to make a digital copy of our analog preservation copy, but it would probably violate the spirit of the law even if it’s not explicitly laid out in the text.

In the case of musical notation, we also can’t use the Section 108 (d) and (e) exemptions to make a copy for individual research use.