I started green training at the machine shop today. I will be building the Lucy air engine. I started cutting the parts for the assembly.
Same issues.
Hypothesis: | Test: | Outcome: |
Bad connections | Measure the voltage across the pins themselves with a voltmeter. | The voltages from the "OUT" pins are ~11.25V, while the voltages from the "+9-12V" pin are ~3-4V. |
The "OUT" and "+9-12V" pins are mixed up | Swap those pins | Both the voltages are in the correct range, but it doesn't seem to respond to the wind. |
The rainbow coded cables that live in the tube and the rainbow coded cables that live in the box don't follow the same color coding. | Take apart a spare and check | They are the same |
Issues 7/15
- Tested out the new power supply. It was able to deliver constant voltage with all 8 wind sensors.
- However there's the issue that the last two sensors hooked up are outputting higher voltage than the 0-3.3 V range that is expected. around 4 or 5V.
- When the current was higher these two sensors were getting much more hot than they probably should have been, at least much hotter than the other sensors.
- I checked the connections and tried changing the sensors that were plugged in but that didn't seem to change anything.