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Table of Contents

SpineOMatic Download and Documentation

  • SpineOMatic is a Windows application originally developed by Boston College that works with Alma to print spine labels.
  • SpineOMatic works with most label printers and regular printers.
  • SpineOMatic does not require Alma to be open to function.
    The download and documentation are available here:
  • Although not specifically stated in the documentation, SpineOMatic does work on Windows 10.To download SpineOMatic or view documentation:

Configuring Alma Access

You configure SpineOMatic to interact with Alma via the Alma Access tab:

  1. Choose the Use RESTful API option.
  2. Use the following for the ALMA URL:
  3. To obtain the API Key, please submit a ticket via the LTS Alma Support Form:

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Call Number Prefixes

You configure call number prefixes via the Label Prefixes tab:


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Out of the box, SpineOMatic will base prefixes on the combination of Library name and Location name.

Scan a barcode, the choose the Current XML tab to view the library name and location name needed to configure a prefix:Image Removed

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In the example above, the library name is Widener Library and WID-LC is the location name. The prefix we want to add to the label is WID-LC.

This would be configured via the Label Prefixes tab as Widener Library+WID-LC=WID-LC:.Image Removed

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Use a semicolon to split your prefix between lines. For example, Widener Library+WID-LC Mid East=WID-LC;Mid East will print WID-LC and Mid East on separate lines.

Label prefix configuration is saved to a file called myLabelText.txt, which can be copied for use in other SpineOMatic installations. Alternatively, you can use the Use system file, URL option by renaming myLabelText.txt, to aboveLabel.txt, attaching the file to the wiki, and using the URL of the attachment as the Use system file, URL value.

Consult the SpineOMatic documentation for more information on this and other configuration options.

Copy Numbers

You can include copy numbers on labels by configuring the Include other value field on the Call Number Format tab to include <copy_id>. This will include the value exactly as it appears in the Copy ID field of the item record.

For example, if that field contains a 3 in Alma...Image Removed

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...SpineOMatic will also only add a 3...Image Removed

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...unless you include instructions in the Include other value field to do otherwise.

In the following example, adding "c. " tells SpineOMatic to add that text prior to the <copy_id>, so that c. 3, rather than just 3, appears on the label:Image Removed

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