Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Use the Search for list to select batch, object, file, or event.
  2. Enter the ID, URN, or owner supplied name in the text box on the right. Note that the wildcard (star)wildcard * is not supported in a quick search.
  3. Press Enter or click the Quick Search button to execute the search.


  1. Select a content type (batch, object, file, or event) from the Search for list.
  2. Select metadata to search. Click below Column Name and scroll the list of values that appears. Note: The list of metadata values will vary based on the content type selected in the Search for list.
  3. For date or size searches, select the appropriate operator (Equals, > <).
  4. Enter your search terms. Click below Value and type your search terms. Use a wildcard (star) to wildcard to substitute for one or more characters. For date searches, a calendar picker will display. Click the Save button to continue.
  5. [Optional] To find deleted content, include "status=deleted" (column=Status and Value=deleted) as a component in your search.
  6. [Optional] To add another search term, click plus on the right side to add another search row and repeat steps 2-4. (To remove a search row, click minus.)
  7. [Optional] To group your search into sub-queries, click in the parenthesis column on left and right as needed.
  8. Click the Search button to execute the search. Results will display below the search form.


To use faceted browse, perform a search and then choose Display facets from the Actions drop-down menu. A pop-up window displays containing facet values for the current results list. In parentheses next to each metadata value is the number of items in results with that value. To narrow results by facet value, click a value in the facet window and your current results list will be limited to items with that value. 

Facets are supported for these administrative fields:

Object-level facets

File-level facets

Admin Category
Admin Flag
Billing Code
Content Model
Owner Code
Has file with MIME media type
Has file with format

Admin Category
Admin Flag
Billing Code
File format
First generation in DRS
MIME media type
Owner Code
In object with admin category
In object with content model
Has event of type

Download/Upload of Results Sets


  • File must be plain text with a .csv extension. File name can be any alphanumeric string.
  • File contents must follow format of the Download CSV file. A single CSV file can contain a maximum of 100,000 items.
  • At minimum, a csv file must contain a column for DRS ID, owner supplied name, or URN.
  • Column headings for included columns are required and must match DRS column headings (the easiest way to get the DRS column headings is to download a CSV of search results and copy the headings)

How to upload a csv file:

  1. Click the CSV File Upload button. A pop-up window will display.
  2. Under Load, select the content type (objects, files, batches, or events).
  3. Under Using, select the identifier by which the content will be retrieved. Accept the default DRS IDs option if your csv file includes DRS IDs, otherwise select OSNs or URNs as appropriate.
  4. Click the Upload button and the uploaded results will be inserted into the results table.

NOTE: WebAdmin is not able to download the search results from an uploaded CSV.

Bulk Processing

Web Admin supports bulk processing – the ability to make changes to a group of objects or files and the associated metadata. In this release, you can perform bulk download and bulk deletion/recovery of content in search results, as well as limited bulk metadata editing (file access flags and object DRS Billing Codes). 


Bulk download of content 
Bulk delete and recovery of content
Bulk editing of metadata