Aeon request for photoduplication of Merritt Room materials held at HD
Requests for high-quality scans of materials held at HD are handled via the workflow for reading room requests: Houghton staff order and review materials, then transfer to Imaging Services.
Requests for duplication of Isham's surrogate materials
More information on DRS deposit here: DRS Deposit for OTC Orders
The first step in approving a digitization request should be verifying whether an item is in the public domain. If an item is not in the public domain, then a next step would be to consult the Digital Program Librarian about next steps.
Some microfilms in Isham's collections were obtained by means of the Section 108 (b) preservation allowance for deposit of up to three copies of unpublished works in another library for research use. However, that section also mandates that digital copies not be further distributed or used outside the premises of the library. We do not know what would happen if we were to make a digital copy of our analog preservation copy, but it would probably violate the spirit of the law even if it’s not explicitly laid out in the text.
In the case of musical notation, we also can’t use the Section 108 (d) and (e) exemptions to make a copy for individual research use.