Selecting an Input Light Source
The light source feeding the monochromator can be swapped. The user should just select a light source that is sufficiently bright and temporally stable. In most of our analyses, we set use a Thorlabs SLS302.
Just make sure the input slit is well illuminated by the light source.
Installing input and output slits
A variety of slits are available for the monochromator. They can be placed in both the input and output of the monochromator. The input has a slat into which the slits can be slid. The output does not presently accommodate slits - we have resorted to the high tech solution of tape.
NOTE: the monochromator must be recalibrated if the slits are adjusted.
Controlling the Monochromator
Legacy Note: After an apparent electrical surge, the monochromator handpaddle no longer works. It must now be controlled over a USB connection to a computer.
The monochromator is controlled through Python. The Monochromator control libraries are available in the instrument GitHub repository:
Here is a basic example of controlling the monochromator over USB from Python:
$ python
>>> import monochromator as mono
>>> my_mono = mono.CornerStone260('COM3') # The COM3 port should be identified by looking at the Com ports list in Windows
>>> my_mono.GoWave(600) # Goes to the specified wavelength, in nm
>>> my_mono.ShutterClose() # Closes the shutter
>>> my_mono.ShutterOpen() # Closes the shutter