For reading room and staff use to turn fragile pages without damaging the paper
Custom order through Preservation Services Services, preserve_wpc@harvard.edu
Dust bunny (chemical-free, lint-free, washable cleaning cloths)
For reading room and staff use to prevent binding damage
Custom order through Preservation Services, preserve_wpc@harvard.edu
Plexi rectangles - 1/4"thick x 3" x 12"
For reading room and staff use to support creases when unfolding or unrolling flat items
Custom order through Preservation Services, preserve_wpc@harvard.edu
Red rot placemats
For reading room and staff use to prevent red rot from staining foams or other surfaces
Custom order through Preservation Services, preserve_wpc@harvard.edu
Coroplast board supports
For staff use to remove folders and flat items from flat file drawers, to move large flat items from place to place, and to turn over large flat items
Custom order through Preservation Services, preserve_wpc@harvard.edu
Mat board or gray-white board supports
For holding hinged-lid boxes open, or for supporting foldouts
Custom order through order through Preservation Services, preserve_wpc@harvard.edu
Covers for red book trucks and wheeled MetroCarts
For staff use to keep precipitation off collections that are being moved outdoors on book trucks
Custom order through Preservation Services, preserve_wpc@harvard.edu