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The timeline below represents an estimate of major project milestones.

Content review phase


Remove any public-facing content intended for the new School flagship website and organize the remaining internal content. 

Community rollout phase


Your new intranet site will be made accessible to the Harvard Chan community. We will be setting up redirects, etc. etc. However, please test links to other departmental and administrative offices intranet sites.



User Access


How to use the Intranet:

Child pages (Children Display)

The Harvard Chan Intranet 

The Intranet is a WordPress-based platform, secured by HarvardKey, primarily designed for the Harvard T.H. Chan School community of students, staff, faculty, and researchers. It serves as the central hub for internal content, while public-facing information is housed on our new flagship website. It also includes settings that allow Harvard University affiliates to access the platform when needed.

Access the intranet:

Project Roadmap

As part of our ongoing commitment to providing a seamless and engaging intranet experience, we are actively optimizing its functionality and features. These enhancements are guided by our intranet improvements roadmap, with updates planned for early 2025.

We look forward to sharing more details as we continue to optimize the intranet to better serve our Harvard Chan School community.

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