Versions Compared


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Houghton Library creates finding aids to describe its manuscript collections using EAD version 2002, a standardized markup language.  Finding aids created by Harvard libraries are displayed in OASIS (Online Archival Search Information System).  Collections are described with the XML/EAD authoring tool currently in use by the section.  The Houghton EAD Template, Houghton EAD front matter guidelines, and the Houghton EAD container listing guidelines should be consulted for general guidelines on how to proceed, noting, of course, that each collection is unique and may require varied approaches and/or modifications.  The Senior Head of the Manuscript Cataloger Section may be consulted as necessary for advice on how to proceed in setting up the finding aid.  There are also General notes on creating a finding aid that may be useful for learning variant practices.

Workflow using xml editor:

  • If your collection does not already have a call number assigned to it, assign a call number using the Excel spreadsheet H:\HOUGHTON\Technical Services\MS Section\MS Shelf-list\Manuscript shelf-list.xslx

  • It is recommended that you create Create your finding aid in the Groups H: drive, in your INBOX, and not on your I: drive. This will allow others to assist with work on your finding aid, should the need arise.


  • Request a unique hou# (eadid) for the finding aid from the OASIS liaison (usually the Senior Head of the Manuscript CatalogerSection).
  • Proof finding aid by examining it in the public view using the OASIS Preview. Click “browse” button to select relevant finding aid and click "Preview."


  • Submit finding aid and MARC record for review by Senior Manuscript Catalogerto colleague who is designated as the monthly reviewer.
  • When finding aid and MARC are returned to you, make corrections to your documents and store your final version of the finding aid in your inbox on the H: drive.

Workflow using Excel/Google sheets:

  • Forthcoming...