Versions Compared


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For file boxes and cartons, file unit numbers consist of the container number, followed by a period, then the folder (or item) number (e.g., 10.1). See pages 24-27 for specific examples.


Small- and medium-sized volumes are stored in individual folders (one volume per folder), and filed in Hollinger boxes. Although the folder description should specify that the item is a volume, the file unit number does not. Bound volumes housed unfoldered in in Hollinger or in oversized boxes, however, receive a "v" following the number (e.g., 1OB.1v) since they are not inside folders; they follow the same numbering conventions as folders.


When a large quantity of oversized materials exists and the materials could fill an oversized box, do not file them in oversized drawers, but place them in appropriately-sized folders within an oversized box. Number boxes in the same sequence as file boxes and cartons, but the number will be followed by an abbreviation (FB, F+B, OB, etc.) that indicates the size of the box. See below for specific examples.

Even when there’s only one item in the box, it gets a number designation.  For example, a quilt housed in a roll box would be #RB.1, i.e. 104RB.1.

(Note: Roll boxes and card file boxes are also given box numbers within the regular box-numbering sequence of the collection. The designation "CB" is used regardless of the size of the card file box.)  

File Unit Abbreviations

Carton#.folder#         Carton                                                                                1.1

File box#.folder#       File box                                                        1.1

FD.folder#                Folio folder                                            folder                                               FD.1             

F+D.#                      Folio+ folder                                          folder                                             F+D.1           

OD.#                       Oversize folder                                       folder                                          OD.1            

SD.#                        Supersize folder                                    folder                                         SD.1                                  

PD.#                        Photograph "drawer" (now in file boxes)       PD.1 (for slides: PD.1sl)

PD.#f.                                             Folio photograph drawer                         drawer                           PD.1f (or PD.1fv for volume)

PD.#f+.                                         Folio+ photograph drawer                       drawer                        PD.1f+ (or PD.1f+v for volume)

PD.#o.                                           Oversize photograph drawer                    drawer                     PD.1o (or PD.1ov for volume)

PD.#+.                                           Supersize photograph drawer                  drawer                   PD.1+

#FB.#                       Folio box                                               box                                                  1FB.1 (or 1FB.1v for volume)

#F+B.#                     #                    Folio+ box                                             box                                               1F+B.1 (or 1F+B.1v for volume)

#OB.#                      Oversize box                                          box                                            1OB.1 (or 10B.1v for volume)

#CB.                        Card file box (any size)                            1CB [description only; there are no internal units]#Roll                                                      1CB.1

#RB                         Roll box (any size)                                  104 Roll                                     104RB.1

Mem.#                     Memorabilia**                                                                                  Mem.1

CD-#.#                     Compact disc*                                                                                 CD-13.1

MP-#.#                     Motion picture*                                              MP-45.1

T-#.#                        Audiotape*                                                             T-249.1

Vt-#.#                      Videotape*                                                              Vt-269.1

Phon-#.#                  Phonograph record*                                  Phon-65.1

DVDs                       DVD                        DVD*                                                       DVD- #

E.#                           Electronic files (web sites, digital photos, etc.)         E.1


*Audio/visual numbers are assigned by Joanne.

**See Memorabilia for more discussion of Memorabilia numbering, including instructions for numbering items stored with the collection (i.e, #12.1m, FD.


1m, 58F+Bm.3, 52SBm.8).

Fictional Examples as Displayed in Oasis :


      • 1.1-1.3. Scrapbook I (disassembled), 1950-1977
      • PD.1. Photograph removed from #1.2

                             FILED WITH PHOTOGRAPHS.

                               2.16. School work and bits of writing, 1897-1913.

                                                           See also #OD.1 for diplomas.

                                                            3.7. Radcliffe College, 1909-1913; includes brochure, playbill, notes on play.

                                                            See also #83F+B.1 for 1909 Radcliffe College scrapbook, #OB.5 for 1911 Radcliffe College scrapbook.

                               3.8-4.3. Items removed from #83F+B.1, Radcliffe College scrapbook, 1909-1913 (7 folders)

                              31.13. Source material, Whittingham, 1885-1930; includes Jane Brown's birth and marriage certificates.

                                                          See also #F+D.1 for Anna and Ensign Brown marriage certificate removed from #31.13.



Subseries F. Talks and radio broadcasts, 1939-1980 (#29.9-29.14)


Series II. PHOTOGRAPHS, OVERSIZED, MEMORABILIA, AUDIOTAPES (#PD.13 1 – PD.462, FD.1, F+D.1, 83F+B.1, OD.1, 84OB.1-84OB.2v, SD.1, Mem.1 - Mem.2, T-328.1 - T-328.4, Vt-133.1 - Vt-133.4, CD.19.1 – CD.19.2)

    • Subseries A. Photographs (#PD.13 1 - PD.462)#PD.1 -
      • PD
      • .1
      - PD.12 contain photographs found with other documents. Photographs were removed and foldered separately, and their folders listed in the various series above.
      • PD. 13. Sally Smith with family, 1908-1910 (11 photographs)
      • PD.142. Sally Smith with dog, 1911 (1 photograph)
      • PD.9fv. Photograph album: wedding of Leslie Knope and Ben Wyatt, 2013
    • Subseries B. Oversized  (#FD.1, F+D.1, 83F+B.1, OD.1, 84OB.1-84OB.2v, SD.1)
      • FD.1. Artwork, 1936
      • F+D.1. Anna and Ensign Brown marriage certificate removed from #31.13; titles, deeds, etc. [and additional materials]
      • 83F+B.1. Radcliffe College scrapbook, 1909-1913
      • OD.1. [Certificate confirming graduation from 8th grade (1905) and diplomas from Billings High School (1908), Mount Ida School (1909), and Radcliffe College (1913); letter from Edith Summerskill, ca.1913]
      • 84OB.1. Radcliffe College scrapbook, 1911
      • 84OB.2v. Radcliffe College scrapbook, 1912
      • SD.1. Poster for march, 1913
    • Subseries C. Memorabilia (Mem.1 - Mem.2)
      • Mem.1. Gavel, 1918.  [fictional]
      • Mem.2. Boston Gas rainbow tank: commemorative lucite paperweight containing paint chips from original painting on the rainbow tank, 1992   [from Corita]
    • Subseries D. Audiotapes (T-328.1 - T-328.4)
      • T-328.1. Jane Brown conversation with Alice Paul, 1970s.


      • T-328


      • T-328.3.2-4. Fern Ingersoll interview with Jane Brown re: National Woman's Party, National War Labor Board, move to England, children, etc., 1980.

                                REQUEST AS T-328, reels 3-4.

    • Subseries E. Videotapes (Vt-133.1 - Vt-133.4)
      • Vt-133.1. Jane Brown conversation with Susan Smith, 1970s.


    • Subseries F. Compact discs (CD-19.1 – CD-19.20)
      • CD-19.1. Chicago Women’s Liberation Band, 1982.

                                REQUEST AS CD-19.1, disc 1.

