(2) post-processing
(3) ensemble simulationsmore to be added
any other topic that you think is helpful.
Everyone in the team is welcomed to add things.
Table of Contents |
Download data
Note: Currently only boslogin0* nodes can access the cdsapi address. Currently working with RCHelp to resolve this issue.
One-time setup
module load python/3.6.3-fasrc01 # centos7
#conda create -n a3501 python=3.6 <packages> # see https://www.rc.fas.harvard.edu/resources/documentation/software-on-the-cluster/python/
source activate a3501
pip install cdsapi
Select data
Accept terms of use
`Show API request`
vim ~pchan/sw/ecmwfapi/5-racoro.py
# Be sure to add `#!/usr/bin/env python` in the first line
# Customize `grid` & `area` as needed
module load python/3.6.3-fasrc01
source activate a3501
chmod u+x 5-racoro.py
Changes from ERA-interim to ERA5
ERA5 (HRES): T639/N320, ~0.28125 degrees. https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/CKB/ERA5%3A+What+is+the+spatial+reference
Share/publish data
Globus does not handle symlink very well.
XXX More to come..
Make a directory and it's subdirectories writeable/executable for the group
chmod -R g+rwx * → for the group
chmod -R a+rwx * → for everyone