October 24, 2023
- Finally got in touch with Applied Image, and sent them 3 dxf files of ComCam masks to make. One is one hole per amp, one is an L shape, and one is two lines of holes with different shapes.
- Went to the machine shop. Can't repeat online the things that were said there, but the parts haven't been started yet. They are busy. They said they would give me an estimate by the end of the day today.
- Talked to Larom. There's a bug at USDF so she can't get onboarded yet. Her plot of FWHM vs airmass was useful to the dm science pipelines team. They found that the location of AuxTel was recorded incorrectly in the header. They haven't figured out why the fit never finds FWHM = 1.6.
- Talked to Parker. Will try to get to Chile by Nov. 6, maybe Nov 13 at the latest. I need to talk to Erin about filing a TR and how I should do that now. She also suggested I make a Keysight CSC PR sooner, so I can get feedback from Eric and Tiago.
- Talked to Meghan. She will start working on the aerosol project that Chris suggested.
- Moved the Meade telescope that Chris brought onto the table. Going to set things up so I can do measurements of the lens PSF with it.
- Continued adding to the AT pinhole overleaf (while sitting in on zoom meetings).
- Yesterday we got to the point with the Keysight CSC that we could take data and try to write a fits file, but for some reason it wouldn't write the fits file to disk. And then I checked and the electrometer could no longer connect (over either the CSC or telnet). I asked Parker to restart the Keysight. It didn't work. I posted in rubinobs-it-tucson. They told me to file a Jira ticket. In the end Parker made it work by running
. - I gave DeeDee and Mark the initial masks we want to make.
- Tonight, I'm going to help Kevin Fanning rebuild the DIMM pointing model and generally learn how to use the DIMM. I'll try to get him to run it nightly.
- Update: tried to build a new pointing model, but there were only 3 stars that we could find on one hemishphere, so we gave up. We are running the DIMM for the night, though. Hopefully it will close successfully in the morning.
- Updated calibration hardware confluence page.
- Presented on the CBP mask plans.
- Feedback: need to change so we can handle crosstalk
- need to double check smallest spot size you can make on the camera (I think it's 5 um * 16 = 80 um but have to confirm)
- need to make an exposure time calculator
- Eli wants to do aperture photometry on spots, so smallest spots possible in a reasonable amount of time, hence the need for ETC
- No one cares about simulated satellite streaks
- Eli doesn't want a giant spot per CCD - that just feels like flat-fielding to him
- Chris voiced the concern of how e2v is set up and we have to make sure everything works with the appropriate parity shifts
- Jeremy pointed out that +/- 0.5 um on hole size isn't good enough for us, but there might be mitigation strategies
- went to machine shop. They redid the threading and greased it. I also dropped off the carbon fiber tube
- Ali submitted the DIMSUM paper. Yay!
- I realized that the IDF EFD actually has all the old EFD data now. Guillem asked about the AuxTel LUT so I sent him Chris's writeup and also all of that data.
November 7, 2023
- Worked with Johnny, who repointed and refocused DIMSUM. The PSFs aren't great, but Johnny confirmed none of them are donuts. They're workable. I set it up to take two bursts every 10 minutes 500 times.
- Gave Larom the IDF EFD hexapod data. She'll get to it sooner than Guillem. She'll model the hexapod X, Y, and Z position as a function of elevation and temperature, compare her results to Chris's results, and seeing if there's a significant difference in the modeling before and after Feb. 2023 (CWFS to WEP), and look at the rms of the model fit.
- Got parts back from the machine shop. They work! We can now solder the photodiode.
- Booked lodging for the trip to Tucson.
November 8, 2023
- Picked up masks from Joe at SAO
- Soldered photodiode + temperature sensor together
November 9, 2023
- Worked on setting up system so I could take photodiode QE measurements
November 10, 2023
- Got setup working so that I could take large photodiode QE data - see confluence page
- Did some soldering for the photodiode
- talked to Todd at the machine shop about how he'll cut the carbon fiber tube
November 11, 2023
- Finished soldering and took photodiode QE data (see confluence page)
- assembled all components I had of the CBP calibration system (see confluence page)
November 13, 2023
- Parker was out sick, but I arrived in Tucson and worked on the electrometer CSC
November 14, 2023
- submitted the Image Quality SPIE abstract and uploaded the final version to docushare
- began taking DIMSUM data again at 11:38 am MST
- fixed the Keithley CSC
- analyzed the photodiode QE data (see confluence page)
November 15, 2023
- Made an assembly diagram for the CBP calibration system, sent it to Parker, and added it to the confluence page
- Mounted the masks (see confluence page)
- Focused the CBP and then took uniformity tests (see https://confluence.lsstcorp.org/display/LTS/CBP+Tests+November+-+December+2023)
- work on v&v
- fixed electrometer CSC so it can make fits files with data with arbitrary elements from both Keysight and Keithley electrometers
November 16, 2023
- Continued the never-ending electrometer troubleshooting. Maybe actually finally made it work...
November 20, 2023
- Got both the Keithley and the Keysight reading in sync with the logic timer! Took a lot of debugging that's documented on the trip confluence page - November, December tests, and on the Electrometer CSC notes.
November 21, 2023
- Met with Larom briefly. She's finished her analysis of the AuxTel hexapod data and is going to write it up.
- Worked on fully integrating the logic timer and electrometer, laser, and spectrometer readings so we can do a full throughput measurement of the CBP!
February 29, 2024
- Long time since I've written here, but more detailed logs are kept in the Nov-Dec, Jan, and Feb Tucson pages: https://confluence.lsstcorp.org/display/LTS/CBP+Tests+February+2024
- Have had Helen purchase an Edmund optics uncoated 18.7 mm EFL lens: https://www.edmundoptics.com/p/12mm-dia-x-18mm-fl-uncoated-uv-plano-convex-lens/8920/