Scanning Key Content Guidelines,Workflow, and
Supporting Documents
Houghton Library, following the successful Library Lab pilot project, continues to scan title pages, content lists, covers or bindings, or other parts of printed material at the point of cataloging when they encounter something visually striking, or useful to the patron. These reference scans are linked to the Hollis record to enhance access to the materials.
Scanning Guidelines
General Guidelines:
Capture items at a resolution of 300dpi the highest resolution possible (preferably 300dpi+ but these are ultimately reference scans) in a tif file format
Items with no copyright concerns should be saved on the Groups drive (H:\HOUGHTON\Technical Services\SKC Images) in "high rezz" folder
These will be sent to Imaging in one folder
named "No copyright concerns" (on a flash drive), which will be deposited by Imaging Services at full resolution using one billing code
Items that are still in copyright or have an unclear copyright status should be saved in the "low rezz" folder
These will be sent to Imaging in a separate folder
named "Copyright concerns" (on a flash drive) and will be deposited by Imaging Services at a reduced resolution of 72dpi using a different billing code
- The two folders ("No copyright concerns" and "Copyright concerns") Once 500 images (or fewer) are captured, the two folders are to be hand-delivered on a flashdrive to Imaging Services with Imaging in-take document
Appropriate form must go with the flash drive to Imaging WID form
[DRS billing codes
Restricted resolution delivery- FHCL.COLL.SKCR_0001
(JP2 IDS delivery restricted to 768 pixels in the longest dimension)
Normal resolution delivery- FHCL.COLL.SKCDDH_0001
Flash Drives
We need to label the folders for high resolution and low resolution delivery on the flash drive as follows:
Restricted (lower) Resolution- FHCL.COLL.SKCR_0001 Scanning Key Content that requires a restricted image size]
- single flash drive to the Head of Technical Services, who will deliver it to Imaging Services
High Resolution- FHCL.COLL.SKCDDH_0001 Scanning Key Content for display and discovery in HOLLIS
Creation of file name should be constructed with SKC template codes using this general example- holdings no_sequence of images_template code
For example:
Book- 091256783_01_cov1.tif
Serial cover with year- 004951966_01_srl_1975.tif
Serial cover with year and month- 019378657_01_srl_1975_June.tif
Serial cover with year and month day- 019378657_03_srl_1975_June_10.tif
Serial cover with date volume and number- 01937657_04_srl_1975_x_x_1_1.tif
Serial cover with date and number- 019387780_01_srl_1975_x_x_x_1.tif
Serial cover with number- 019414556_01_srl_x_x_x_x_1.tif
For serials, do not put the words vol. or no. in the file name, the macro will do this later. The x is a placeholder that in conjunction with our a specific macro will create the appropriate columns in the spreadsheet when we link the images. File names cannot have periods, commas, or spaces.
Scanning Workflow (Pre-Deposit)
- Item is cataloged with a bibliographic and holdings record
- Item is scanned
- Item re-enters the normal workflow for item creation/barcoding and end-processing
- Once we have captured 500 images we send the batch to Imaging on a flash drive
More documentation, and the latest spreadsheet of template codes, can be found here: H:\HOUGHTON\Technical Services\Shared\SKC
NEW scanning Workflow (Post-Deposit) using only one macro
- Make sure MacroExpress is running on your computer
- Create an excel spreadsheet with the text data from the DRS report
- Because of the new DRS2 we will need to sort the FILE-URN column (usually K) to eliminate the blanks (but don't worry everything is sequential so it show all stay in the same order)
- Sort the FILE-URN column sort from A-Z, expanding the selection
- Then scroll down to row 500 (or to however many images you included in the batch) and delete all data below that is irrelevant (it will probably be row 501 and the third column will show descriptor.xml, so you want to delete anything including that 501 row and below)
- Because of the new DRS2 we will need to sort the FILE-URN column (usually K) to eliminate the blanks (but don't worry everything is sequential so it show all stay in the same order)
- “Save as” the txt file as an .xls then open it (it will give you an error message but just click ok and it should still open with the data in columns)
- Open a second sheet within your open .xls then find and copy these 3 columns from the drs excel report and place them in the following order:
- FILE-ORIGPATH—usually “O” (to column A)
- OBJ-OSN—usually “E” (to column B)
- FILE-URN—usually “K” (to column C)
- Then delete the top row (if you have retained it) in 2nd sheet (to get rid of the column labels)
- Save the spreadsheet as an .xlsm (Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook)
- Open the updated SKC-856_template_newer.xlsm in Excel (make sure name remains the same)
- Copy the first three columns that are on second sheet you just created and paste them into the upper left most corner of the SKC-856 spreadsheet, under the column headers (Important: you must select the columns by cell, not as the entire column of the spreadsheet or the macro will fail)
- Check for any suspicious holdings numbers that seem incorrect
- Run the internal macro that is set up in Excel and now embedded in the SKC-856 spreadsheet template newer by activating with <CTRL><Q>
- Drag down the appropriate columns (K, L, M) to populate the rows on the spreadsheet
- Make sure that all values in K,L,M populated and are correct, particularly M, which should have a location, and a full URN.
- You now need to create a CSV file with the holdings number (column B) and the 856 field (column M) only, cut and paste them from your spreadsheet into a FRESH (not control-N) new spreadsheet, then save (It will give you error pop-ups about formatting but just click yes you want to continue and save it as CSV (comma delimited))
- Then use the SAVE AS command and save the file identified with SKC and batch submission date
- example: skc_batch_20170308.xlsm
- Open up Aleph and open to HVD60
- Run macro <CTRL><m> from Aleph (this macro, found in the Santo Domingo documentation, will run the CSV without it being open in Excel which means that it isn't constantly navigating from Excel to Aleph, adding holdings following a similar logic from the older macro)
- It will prompt you to navigate to the CSV that you created and saved earlier
- Select the correct CSV file and then it will start working by inputting the holdings record and corresponding URN
- Watch macro run to insure that proper URNs are being inserted
- Stop macro if problems ensue, and be sure to delete all added 856s, using holdings numbers from excel spreadsheet
- Once macro has run successfully, spot check records for data; change “misc” entries where desired for better vocabulary.
- Move SKC batch spreadsheet to H:\HOUGHTON\Technical Services\Shared\SKC\Batch spreadsheets.
OLD scanning Workflow (Post-Deposit)
Once we receive the DRS report of our batch of images we need to transfer the information to a spreadsheet and run macros to add them to the correct holdings record(please note that we have altered the original macros to accommodate our serial covers so spacing and some logic statements may differ)record When you get the DRS deposit report, take the following steps:
- Make sure Macro Express is running on your computer.
- Open the DRS report in Excel.
- You may need to enable or allow macros.
- Open the SKC-856 spreadsheet template in Excel (template file required to work with the macro)
- Locate the section of the DRS report that lists the JP2 files. You’ll know you have the right section because the URN column of the spreadsheet will contain data/URNs.
- Copy the first three columns of the DRS spreadsheet that include the Full File Name, the Owner-supplied Name, and the URN for the JP2 images.
- Paste the copied data into a blank spreadsheet, then run a find and replace to eliminate the the the x placeholders (Find x Replace will simply be blank) (*note because of the enabled macros on the SKC-856 spreadsheet you cannot do a find/replace function on it)
- After you have gotten rid of the x placeholders copy the first three columns and past them into the upper left most corner of the SKC-856 spreadsheet, under the column headers.
- Run the SKC.mex macro
- Drag down the appropriate columns (K, L, M) to populate the rows on the spreadsheet
- Then use the SAVE AS command please save the file as SKC_adding_links.xlsx (you must do this or the next macro WILL NOT work)
Adding the 856 Fields to Aleph:
- Connect to the holdings HVD60 in the Aleph cataloging module (I would recommend having it is recommended that only one editing pane be open (instead of split-editor) for when the record is pulled up to make the macro run more smoothly)
- Open up the SKC_adding_links.xlsx
- Activate the Expanded-856 macro which will:
- Copy the first holdings record number and 856 information
- Switch back to Aleph
- Go to the end of the record
Type the tag, indicators, and $3
FieldIndicatorsSubfield856 40 $3 Cover $u http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL:13613784 $x keycontent - Paste the link
Note: If the next link is on the same holdings record it should continue to add links if the next one is a different record it will switch to the new holdings
Last step:
- Once you have added all of the links you want to SAVE AS the SKC_adding_links.xlsx as a DIFFERENT and permanent file with the batch number, follow this convention:
- Links_added_batch_[insert batch number]_drs[insert drs report number].
- Links_added_batch_[insert batch number]_drs[insert drs report number].
- Then erase all the data from the SKC_adding_links spreadsheet so we can use it for the next batch.
Templates and Macros
Links for current file versions on the HL-ITS SKC Project wiki
- SKC templates codes
- SKC-856 spreadsheet template
- SKC_adding_links template
- SKC macro
- Expanded856Macro.mex
Altering the template of terms for creating file names
1. Open up the SKC templates codes spreadsheet and add your additional term and save the file2. Open up the SKC-856 spreadsheet template and add your additional term and save the file
- Open up the SKC macro and double click on the SKC Serials file
- Navigate to line 15 which should look like this =LOOKUP($D1, Sheet2!$A$1:$A$33, Sheet2!$B$1:$B$33)<TAB>
- Change the range to include the extra terms that you added in both the A and B areas (e.g. $A$33 changes to $A$34)
- Save and close the macro
Manually adding links
Occasionally, despite all precautions, some links will not make it through the batch loading process. If this happens, they can be loaded manually. To do so, add a 856 field and copy from the spreadsheet the expanded caption term and the DRS link (column M) using the following pattern:
856 40 $$3Title page$$uhttp://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL.HOUGH:24021813$$xkeycontent
856 40 $$3Cast list$$uhttp://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:FHCL.HOUGH:24021877$$xkeycontent