Table of Contents
Paper Requirements
The QP will be written in the third or fourth semester of residence: students entering the program in the fall will write their QP in the spring semester, G2. The Qualifying Paper proposal should be submitted to the department by October 1 or February 1 of the third or fourth semester of residence, respectively. To maintain satisfactory status in the graduate program, the completed and approved Qualifying Paper (with signed QP cover form) should be submitted electronically as a PDF to the Department Administrator not later than February 1 or June 1 following the 3rd or 4th semester of residence. Exceptions to this policy will be discouraged.
In case of a failing grade, the student must re-enter the whole procedure, with a different topic, at the beginning of the next semester. This option is only granted in exceptional cases, however, and after consultation with the student’s advisers and the entire faculty. If this permission is not granted, the student will be withdrawn from the program. If it is granted, the first fail will put the student into unsatisfactory progress status in the graduate school. In unsatisfactory status the student is not eligible for financial aid or support from teaching fellowships in the G3 year. Two fails mean that the student has not fulfilled the departmental requirements and that they will be withdrawn permanently from the program.